665 products were found matching your search for Aggression in 3 shops:
On Aggression
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.21 $First published in the 1960s, On Aggression has been the target of criticism and controversy ever since. It is not Lorenz's careful descriptions of animal behaviour that are contentious, but his extrapolations to the human world that have caused reverberations resulting in a statement adopted by UNESCO in 1989 and subsequently endorsed by the American Psychological Association that appears to condemn his work. But does On Aggression actually make the claims implicit in the Seville statement?In a new introduction by Professor Eric Salzen, the debate about Lorenz's work is set in its social and political context and his claims and those of his critics reassessed. Human aggression has not lessened since this seminal work first appeared and there are no convincing new solutions. On Aggression should be read by all new students and re-read by more experienced scholars so that the important evidence he presents from ethnology may be reappraised in the light of the most recent research.
Aggression Replacement Training: A Comprehensive Intervention for Aggressive Youth
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.48 $This book is now out of print. It has been published as a third edition that is available with the ISBN 9780878226375.
Aggression Replacement Training? A Comprehensive Intervention for Aggressive Youth
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.13 $This is a newly-revised and expanded edition of the groundbreaking program originally developed by Dr. Arnold P. Goldstein and Dr. Barry Glick. Aggression Replacement Training ART offers a powerful intervention for teaching at-risk youth to understand and replace aggression and antisocial behavior with positive alternatives. Includes user-friendly session-by-session guidelines for implementation. The book provides a coordinated, three-part training approach: Prosocial Skills, Anger Control and Moral Reasoning for grades 6 to 12. The authors address trainee motivation and resistance, enhancing performance generalization, and recent applications in schools and other settings. Appendixes include guidelines, checklists, moral reasoning problem situations, and summaries of outcome evaluations. The accompanying CD provides PDFs of all the reproducible forms and student handouts.
Aggression against Ukraine: Territory, Responsibility, and International Law
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 150.36 $Conquest, annexation, secession by force these belong to a statecraft which great powers after World War II seemed to have set aside for good. Russia in 2014 however brought them back. Aggression against Ukraine examines the stakes in Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk and other troubled borderlands and for international law and public order as a whole.
Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis (The Prentice-Hall Series in Social Learning Theory)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 105.86 $This book is concerned with why people engage in aggressive behavior. Theories of human behavior have changed over the years, as interest in approaches that depict behavior as instinctively determined or impelled by drive forces have declined as deficiencies became apparent. Perspectives based on social learning have emerged that increase our understanding of human behavior. In this book, the author has attempted to formulate a social learning theory of aggression, whether individual or collective, personal or institutional sanctioned. The goal is to improve the basis on which we explain, predict, and modify aggression. A sizable portion of this book is devoted to demonstrating how social learning principles can be applied individually and at the social systems level to reduce deleterious forms of aggression. The use of social power as an instrument of change is also addressed. There is a discussion of social labeling and ethics of aggressive action.
Aggression in Our Children
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 125.26 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
The Aggressions of Civilization: Federal Indian Policy Since the 1880s
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $xvi, 258 p. 22 cm. Brown cloth in mylar-covered dustjacket. Ex library with labels on lower spine and rear endpapers, ink stamps on text block edges, endpapers and title page. Jacket taped to book. Spine of jacket faded and there is some light soiling.
Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.25 $Offers play therapists practical ways of handling a pervasive issue with intense and aggressive play by their clients.With an understanding of aggressive play based on brain function and neuroscience, this book provides therapists with a framework to work authentically with aggressive play, while making it an integrative and therapeutic experience for the child. Through the lens of neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology, therapists are taught how to integrate the intensity experienced by both the child and the therapist during aggressive play in a way that leads towards greater healing and integration. The book explains the neurological processes that lead kids to dysregulation and provides therapists with tools to help their clients facilitate deep emotional healing, without causing their own nervous system to shut down. Topics covered include: embracing aggression; understanding the nervous system; understanding regulation; developing yourself as an external regulator; authentic expression; setting boundaries; working with emotional flooding; supporting parents during aggressive play.
Aggression und Gewalt : ein biologischer, psychologischer und sozialwissenschaftlicher Überblick.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.18 $Aggressives Verhalten zeigt sich of schon früh in der Kindheit. Gilt das auch für das In- resse an Aggression? Als Kind sei ich recht friedlich gewesen, wurde mir erzählt. Doch im Archiv meiner Kindheitsprodukte fanden sich Notizbücher voller aggressiver Zeichnungen: Pistolenhelden und Panzerschlachten. Klammheimlich – oder of enbar – hat mich eines meiner späteren wissenschaf lichen T emen schon früh fasziniert. Oder war es nur eine bei Jungen allgemeine Vorliebe für solche Zeichnungen (Freedman 1976)? Viele Jahre danach führte ich mit mehreren Forschungsgruppen empirische Untersuchungen über Aggression und Gewalt durch: zu Gewalt in Familien (Wahl 1989; 1996), Aggressionen von Jugendlichen und jungen Gewalttätern, insbesondere jener, die ihre Taten fremdenfei- lich und rechtsextrem begründeten (Wahl 1995; 2001; 2002; 2003; Wahl et al. 2001). Dabei konzentrierte ich mich darauf, wie sich aus biotischen, psychischen und sozialen Quellen ab der Kindheit Aggressionspotenziale entwickeln. Mein Interesse galt auch den entscheidenden Phasen in der Lebensgeschichte, in denen mit pädagogischen, sozialen oder therapeutischen Mitteln aggressivem Verhalten vorgebeugt werden kann, und der Frage, wie sich präventive Maßnahmen und Interventionen verbessern lassen (Wahl et al. 2005; Wahl 2007a; Wahl u. Hees 2009; Jung u. Wahl 2008). Diese Untersuchungen waren sehr unterschiedlich angelegt: teils große repräsentative Stichproben und Vollerhebungen mit Tausenden von Fällen, teils intensive Studien an kleineren Stichproben, die zusammen Hunderte von Fällen ausma- ten.
Aggression against Ukraine: Territory, Responsibility, and International Law
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 151.88 $Conquest, annexation, secession by force these belong to a statecraft which great powers after World War II seemed to have set aside for good. Russia in 2014 however brought them back. Aggression against Ukraine examines the stakes in Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk and other troubled borderlands and for international law and public order as a whole.
Aggression in Play Therapy : A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.88 $Offers play therapists practical ways of handling a pervasive issue with intense and aggressive play by their clients.With an understanding of aggressive play based on brain function and neuroscience, this book provides therapists with a framework to work authentically with aggressive play, while making it an integrative and therapeutic experience for the child. Through the lens of neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology, therapists are taught how to integrate the intensity experienced by both the child and the therapist during aggressive play in a way that leads towards greater healing and integration. The book explains the neurological processes that lead kids to dysregulation and provides therapists with tools to help their clients facilitate deep emotional healing, without causing their own nervous system to shut down. Topics covered include: embracing aggression; understanding the nervous system; understanding regulation; developing yourself as an external regulator; authentic expression; setting boundaries; working with emotional flooding; supporting parents during aggressive play.
Aggression and Violence: An Introductory Text
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 100.72 $To gain confidence and knowledge for dealing effectively with aggressive or violent behavior, turn to this authoritative new resource. Here you see what makes up the violent or aggressive personality ... you learn to deal effectively with specific forms of aggression and violence through a better understanding of the disorder and the offender ... and you explore special concerns such as the impact of alcohol on violence and aggression. The chapters are authored by individuals with expertise in the areas they present and with their help you see how to understand the major theoretical perspectives on aggression and violence, and the neuropsychological factors involved; deal effectively with specific forms of aggression and violence: Child Abuse, Child Sexual Molestation, Incest, Partner Abuse, Elder Abuse, Sexual Assault, Paraphilias, Homicide, Serial Murder and Sexual Homicide; get up-to-speed on special topics that are most timely in light of the significant and growing social concern for these areas: alcohol and drugs; and predict future violent behavior. Also included: An introduction to the general trends of violence and aggression emphasizes violent crime in the U.S. and shows you clearly what's going on today. A presentation of well-established social psychological principles, plus a psychological perspective gives you a solid understanding of violent and aggressive behavior to help you deal with it's symptoms more successfully. Strategies for assessment and intervention help you deal successfully with all types of violent or aggressive situations. A special chapter on the impact of alcohol and drugs on interpersonal violence helps you understand why alcohol and drugs may facilitate violence. A special chapter provides you with helpful insights for predicting future violence. For any practicing clinician.
Aggression in Dogs
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 67.84 $Title: Aggression in Dogs( Practical Management Prevention and Behavior Modification) <>Binding: Paperback <>Author: BrendaAloff <>Publisher: DogwisePublishing
Aggression and War: Their Biological and Social Bases
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.99 $Derived from a meeting of natural and social scientists, this interdisciplinary book aims to summarize the main issues regarding the problem of human aggression, as well as human beliefs about the subject. This study brings together internationally known authorities and presents their recent contributions which range in complexity from the physiological to individual aggression, group conflict and international war. The study concludes with a multi-level approach to the problems of aggression and war. In nontechnical language suitable for general science readers, the book provides a valuable framework for the development of ideas and new attitudes in a field rife with misconceptions.
Aggression in Personality Disorders and Perversions
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.74 $In this important new book, Dr. Otto F. Kernberg, one of the world's foremost psychoanalysts, explores the role of aggression in severe personality disorders and in normal and perverse sexuality, integrating new developments in psychoanalytic theory with findings from clinical work with severely regressed patients. The book also integrates Dr. Kernberg's recent studies of the descriptive, structural, and psychodynamic features of problems stemming from pathological aggression with the vicissitudes of their psychoanalytic treatment. Finally, Dr. Kernberg demonstrates the importance of differential diagnosis for effective psychoanalytically inspired treatment of these disorders, providing a rich variety of clinical illustrations.The book begins by relating the dual-drive theory of libido and aggression to contemporary developments in affect theory. Dr. Kernberg then applies this general theory of affects to aggression, which in its pathological form centers on the affect of hatred. He analyzes sado-masochistic, hysterical-hysteroid, and narcissistic-antisocial spectrums of personality disorders, emphasizing how aggression is structured in each group. Dr. Kernberg next describes and updates the theoretical frame underlying his approach to the treatment of these disorders, outlines their clinical manifestations, and illustrates their diagnosis and treatment, ranging from standard psychoanalysis with infantile personalities, to psychoanalytic psychotherapy with borderline personalities, to the psychotherapeutic approach to the treatment of psychosis and hospital milieu treatment in the management of highly regressed patients. In the final section, Dr. Kernberg links the findings from psychoanalytic approaches to personality disorders with those from the psychoanalytic study of sexual perversions.
Aggression and Crimes Against Peace (Philosophical and Legal Aspectrs of War and Conflict)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.94 $In this volume, the third in his trilogy on the philosophical and legal aspects of war and conflict, Larry May locates a normative grounding for the crime of aggression-the only one of the three crimes charged at Nuremberg that is not currently being prosecuted-that is similar to that for crimes against humanity and war crimes. He considers cases from the Nuremberg trials, philosophical debates in the Just War tradition, and more recent debates about the International Criminal Court, as well as the hard cases of humanitarian intervention and terrorist aggression. May argues that crimes of aggression, sometimes called crimes against peace, deserve international prosecution when one State undermines the ability of another State to protect human rights. His thesis refutes the traditional understanding of aggression, which often has been interpreted as a crossing of borders by one sovereign state into another sovereign state. At Nuremberg, crimes against humanity charges were only pursued if the defendant also engaged in the crime of aggression. May argues for a reversal of this position, contending that aggression charges should be pursued only if the defendant's acts involve serious human rights violations.
Aggression in Our Children
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.38 $Hardcover book written in collaboration with Elizabeth Scattergood, M. A.; William Singletary, M. D.; and Andrina Duff, M.S.S. 205 pages with Index. 9.25 x 6.25 inches. Jason Aronson, Inc., North Vale, New Jersey and London, 1987.
On Aggression (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.87 $Konrad Lorenz was the author of some of the most popular books ever published about animals, including the best-selling Man Meets Dog and King Solomon's Ring. On Aggression is one of his finest works, as well as the most controversial. Through an insightful and characteristically entertaining survey of animal behaviour, the Nobel Prize winner tracks the evolution of aggression throughout the animal world. He also raises some startling questions when he applies his observations of animal psychology to humankind. His conclusions caused an unprecedented controversy, culminating in a statement adopted by UNESCO in 1989 which appeared to condemn his work. Whether or not Lorenz actually claimed aggression is hard-wired into the human psyche, and that war is an inevitable result, is something readers can decide upon for themselves. However you react, there can be no doubting that in today's violent world this powerful work remains of paramount importance.
Aggression in Dogs : Practical Management, Prevention & Behaviour Modification
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.35 $Brenda Aloff s book has become the bible for identifying, understanding, and resolving aggression problems in dogs. Contains detailed training protocols to use in specific types of aggression situations and how to manage the aggressive dog for his safety and the community's.
Aggression Replacement Training: A Comprehensive Intervention for Aggressive Youth
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.06 $This is a newly-revised and expanded edition of the groundbreaking program originally developed by Dr. Arnold P. Goldstein and Dr. Barry Glick. Aggression Replacement Training ART offers a powerful intervention for teaching at-risk youth to understand and replace aggression and antisocial behavior with positive alternatives. Includes user-friendly session-by-session guidelines for implementation. The book provides a coordinated, three-part training approach: Prosocial Skills, Anger Control and Moral Reasoning for grades 6 to 12. The authors address trainee motivation and resistance, enhancing performance generalization, and recent applications in schools and other settings. Appendixes include guidelines, checklists, moral reasoning problem situations, and summaries of outcome evaluations. The accompanying CD provides PDFs of all the reproducible forms and student handouts.
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