5 products were found matching your search for Bearbeitung in 2 shops:
Tao Te King. Eine neue Bearbeitung von Gia-Fu Feng und Jane English.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.35 $28,5 x 21,3 cm. Gebunden. Kanten leicht berieben; 1 Ecke mit leichter Druckspur; Widmung auf Vortitel; Seitenränder leicht gedunkelt, sonst gutes Exemplar. Mit Fotografien. [K 012]
Encyclopädie Der Rechtswissenschaft: In Systematischer Bearbeitung; Herausgegeben Unter Mitwirkung Vieler Namhafter Rechtsgelehrter (Classic Reprint)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.36 $Zustand: Sehr gut - Gepflegter, sauberer Zustand. Seiten: 832 Sprache: Deutsch Produktart: Bücher
Encyclopädie der Rechtswissenschaft: In Systematischer Bearbeitung
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.04 $Print on Demand. This book presents an overview of the history of legal and political thought with an emphasis on the evolution of rights and the state in different historical epochs. The author traces the development of ideas about rights and the state from ancient Greece and Rome through the Middle Ages and into the modern era. The book delves into the complex relationship between natural law, social contract theory, and the formation of political institutions. It also explores the influence of religious and philosophical ideas on the development of legal and political thought. Through a comprehensive analysis of primary sources and secondary literature, the author provides a nuanced understanding of the evolution of rights and the state and their profound impact on human societies. This book is a valuable resource for students, scholars, and anyone interested in the history of legal and political thought. This book is a reproduction of an important historical work, digitally reconstructed using state-of-the-art technology to preserve the original format. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in the book.
Der Messias KV 572 (Mozart/Händel), Klavierauszug : Oratorium in drei Teilen. Mozarts Bearbeitung v. Händels Oratorium. Text deutsch
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.66 $Publisher ID: BA4529-90 Instrumentation: SSATB Solos, SSATB Choir, Piano Reduction Format: Vocal Score Work Language: German Urtext / Critical Edition
Schoenberg AS1013-10
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 143.99 $Variationen fur Orchester, Op. 31/Thema und Variationen fur Blasorchester, Op. 43/Funf Orchesterstucke, Op. 16, Bearbeitung fur Kammerorchester - F...
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