27 products were found matching your search for Datum in 3 shops:
Geodetic Datums Made Simple : Step by Step Guide
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.52 $This book takes the complexity of State Plane Coordinates and breaks it down into simple to follow steps for utilizing NGS and OPUS Data Sheets to establish project control point(s) on horizontal and vertical datums. This is not a book on Geodesy or field procedures. It is a simple explanation of Grid to Ground transformations using a project Grid Adjustment Factor (GAF) (a.k.a. combined factor).
Tagebuch ohne Datum
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.88 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware 280 pp. Deutsch
Forster Datum Dial, body with Case Dial assembled, Bullet/Cartridge Dial #1 and #2, Storage Box, DDKIT
Vendor: Opticsplanet.com Price: 139.79 $ -
RCBS Precision Micrometer for .243 Winchester
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 62.63 $Enhance your reloading process with the RCBS Precision Micrometer for .243 Winchester, a vital tool for achieving precise and safe loads. This high-quality micrometer is designed to extend the lifespan of your brass by providing accurate measurements. It operates by measuring from the datum point on the case shoulder right down to the base of the cartridge, offering you exact SAAMI tolerance readings. With just a few simple twists, this reliable and sturdy micrometer determines the chamber's headspace and bullet seating depth to an impressive accuracy of 0.001". Crafted by the reputable brand, RCBS, this durable precision micrometer is an essential tool for any firearm enthusiast seeking accuracy and quality in their .243 Winchester caliber measurements.
RCBS Precision Mic for .338 Winchester Magnum
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 62.63 $Let the RCBS Precision Mic for .338 Winchester Magnum become your go-to tool for ensuring safe and accurate loads, thereby extending the life of your brass. This high-quality, durable tool is expertly designed to measure from the datum point on the case shoulder right to the base of the cartridge. This provides reloaders with exact SAAMI tolerance readings, a critical aspect for those who value precision and reliability in their equipment. With just a few twists of this sturdy and reliable Precision Mic, you can easily determine the chamber's headspace and bullet seating depth to an impressive accuracy of 0.001". Crafted by the reputable brand, RCBS, this tool is made from robust materials like brass and steel, ensuring it can withstand heavy use and last for a long time. Ideal for measuring the inside diameter of a firearm barrel, the RCBS Precision Mic for .338 Winchester Magnum is an indispensable tool for any serious reloader or shooting enthusiast.
RCBS Precision Mic for 7mm Remington Magnum
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 62.63 $The RCBS Precision Mic is an indispensable tool for safe and accurate loads that help to extend the life of brass. The Precision Mic measures from the datum point on the case shoulder to the base of the cartridge giving the reloader the exact SAAMI tolerance readings. Just a few twists of the Precision Mic and the chambers headspace and bullet seating depth to 0.001" will be determined.
RCBS Precision Mic for .308 Winchester
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 62.63 $The RCBS Precision Mic for .308 Winchester is an indispensable tool for safe and accurate loads that help to extend the life of brass. The Precision Mic measures from the datum point on the case shoulder to the base of the cartridge giving the reloader the exact SAAMI tolerance readings. Just a few twists of the Precision Mic and the chambers headspace and bullet seating depth to 0.001" will be determined.
Themes, Scenes, and Taste in the History of Japanese Garden Art
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 11.06 $Japonica Neerlandica 3; Naam en datum op titelpagina
Mt Shasta Wilderness Trail Map
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.22 $The Mount Shasta Wilderness Area is detailed in this comprehensive topographic map, Scale 1: 63360 or 1 inch representing 1 mile,contour interval 80 feet. Trails, down hill skiing and other recreation areas.UTMzone 10. 1927 NA datum
Faster : Our Race Against Time
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.12 $Time is the datum that rules our lives. The frenetic purpose - more than we want to admit - is to save time. Think of one of those conveniences that best conveys the most elemental feeling of power over the passing seconds: the microwave oven. In your "hurry sickness" you may find yourself punching 88 seconds instead of 90 because it is faster to tap the same digit twice. Do you stand at the microwave for that minute and a half? Or is that long enough to make a quick call or run in the next room to finish paying a bill? If haste is the gas pedal for the pace of our lives, then multi-tasking is overdrive. This work dissects our unceasing daily struggle to squeeze as much as we can - but never enough - into the 1440 minutes of each day. Speed is the key strategy for saving time, and James Gleick shows us how in just about every area - from business cycle time to beeper medicine, from Federal Express to quick playback buttons on answering machines, from the pace of television to our growing need to do two things at once, speed has become the experience we all have in common - it, more than the message, is what connects us.
Farfallone: Ein Roman in Briefen - signiert [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.83 $auf Titel mit Datum signiert von der deutschen Schriftstellerin und Künstlerin Anita Albus (1942-2024), leichte Gebrauchspuren, saubere, dünne Bleistiftunterstreichungen im Text. signed by author Size: 8°
Missale Romanum Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini Restitutum, S. Pii
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.93 $Excerpt from Missale Romanum Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini Restitutum, S. Pii V. Pont. Max. Jussu Editum, Clementis VIII. Et Urbani VIII Datum Rema: apud fanétum Marcum lub Amulo Pifcatori: die vn. ]ulii.m. DC. IV. Pontificatus noflri Anno xiii. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.
Werke, Bd.6, Die Niemandsrose, 2 Tle.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 87.71 $Neuware -Die Gedichtsammlung Die Niemandsrose erschien im Oktober 1963 im S. Fischer Verlag in Frankfurt am Main. Sie enthält 53 Gedichte aus den Jahren 1959-1963. Das früheste Gedicht der Sammlung trägt das Datum vom 5. März 1959, die letzte Datierung einer Gedicht-Überarbeitung stammt vom 25. April 1963. Die frühesten Gedichte der Sammlung schließen also unmittelbar an die Fertigstellung des Bandes Sprachgitter an.Dass der Band unter Celans Gedichtesammlungen eine Sonderstellung einnimmt, zeigt sich zunächst schon am langen Entstehungszeitraum und den vielen, oft krankheitsbedingten Unterbrechungen, den wochen- und zum Teil monatelangen Lücken in der Entstehungs-Chronologie. In diese Phase fallen auch die Arbeiten am Gespräch im Gebirg und an der Büchner-Preis-Rede Der Meridian. 416 pp. Deutsch
Opera Omnia (Tomus II: Commentarii, Oeconomicus, Convivium, Apologia Socratis)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.93 $oktav hardcover. sehr gutes exemplar. ungelesen; gold-geprägtes original-leinen; reprint of second edition 1921; 276 seiten, minimalst angestaubt, besitzerschriftzug und datum auf vorderem vorsatzspiegel - in griechischer sprache
Gyroscopic Horizons [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $In this first monograph on his work, architect Neil Denari sets his sights on the gyroscopic horizon, a term based on the altitude device found in most aircraft. Just as a plane's gyroscope creates an artificial horizon line for the pilot, Denari often eliminates the physical earth as datum or locus of experience, turning to cultural, economic, and graphic forces as points of departure for his work. Denari, the third director of Los Angeles's innovative Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), has made a reputation worldwide for his projects, installations, and writings on the question of technology and contemporary culture; it has been said of Denari's firm that it moves toward the question of place "with the same dynamic flow as a Boeing crossing the International Dateline headed for the arrival lounge at Narita Airport." This long-awaited book combines photography, cultural criticism, and meditations on Los Angeles and Japan, along with Denaris trademark computer renderings and descriptions of over 20 architectural projects from the last ten years. Three of the most important projects discussed are the addition and renovation of the Arlington Museum of Art, the construction of an experimental space at Gallery MA in Tokyo (which won awards from I.D. Magazine and the Architectural Foundation of Los Angeles), and the first Microsoft retail store. Other projects include prototype housing in Tokyo, the Kansai-kan Library Competition, the Vertical Smoothouse in Los Angeles, Technology Research Park in Agoura Hills, and the Museum of the 20th Century in Los Angeles. Gyroscopic Horizons, whose territory ranges from the freeway to the Internet, illustrates the intense vision of this architect who draws inspiration from the complexities of modern-day machines and life.
Perception (Problems of Philosophy).
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.11 $A controversial yet accessible introduction surveying perception. Covers theory from Descartes and the empiricists through Wittgenstein on privacy to contemporary physicalist theories, with a focus on the sense-datum theory.
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.95 $Part-1: Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Theory of Co-ordinate Dimensioning Machining Symbols and Surface Texture Theory of Coordinate Tolerancing Introduction to Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Geometric Tolerancing - Basic Concepts Datums, Datum Targets and Datum System Tolerances of Form Orientation Controls Profile Tolerances Tolerances of Location Runout Controls Part 2 : Tolerance Stacks Tolerance Stacks
Beuys & Duchamp. Kuenstler Der Zukunft
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.34 $Verleger: Hatje Cantz Verlag . Herausgeber: Holzhey, Magdalena ; Neuburger, Katharina ; Roeder, Kornelia . Datum: 2021. 392 Seiten mit meist farb. 300 Abb. . Deutsch . 4to. (Quartformat). Texte von: Hans Dickel, Antje von Graevenitz, Gerhard Graulich, Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, Katharina Neuburger, Leah Sweet. deutsche ausgabe. AK Kunstmuseen Krefeld (Kaiser Wilhelm Museum), 8.10.202116.1.2022. gepr. OHalblneinbd./ Hardcover. Keinen anderen Kuenstler hat Joseph Beuys in Gespraechen und Interviews haeufiger erwaehnt als den um eine Generation aelteren Marcel Duchamp. Und kaum jemand schien ihn staerker herauszufordern. Direkter Beleg dafuer ist die haeufig zitierte Aktion Das Schweigen von Marcel Duchamp wird ueberbewertet von 1964, mit der Beuys die politisch-gesellschaftliche Dimension seines erweiterten Kunstbegriffs in den Fokus ruecken wollte. Die Bezuege und Verbindungen zwischen den Kuenstlern reichen tief. Beide nutzten aehnlich radikale Strategien, um den Begriff von Kunst und die Rolle der Kunst im Alltag zu erneuern; ihre Fragestellungen beruehren sich in einer Vielzahl von Aspekten. Dieser reich bebilderte Katalog nimmt erstmals eine profunde Auseinandersetzung mit diesem vielschichtigen Verhaeltnis vor und untersucht die zukunftsweisenden Potenziale beider Kuenstler. sehr gutes Exemplar. 978-3-7757-5067-7.
Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 74.29 $Part-1: Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Theory of Co-ordinate Dimensioning Machining Symbols and Surface Texture Theory of Coordinate Tolerancing Introduction to Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Geometric Tolerancing - Basic Concepts Datums, Datum Targets and Datum System Tolerances of Form Orientation Controls Profile Tolerances Tolerances of Location Runout Controls Part 2 : Tolerance Stacks Tolerance Stacks
Perception (Paperback) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.91 $A controversial yet accessible introduction surveying perception. Covers theory from Descartes and the empiricists through Wittgenstein on privacy to contemporary physicalist theories, with a focus on the sense-datum theory.
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