2932 products were found matching your search for Deutsch in 1 shops:
Deutsch uben: Deutsch fur Besserwisser A2 - Typische Fehler verstehen und ve
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.47 $Deutsch für Besserwisser A2 behandelt typische Schwierigkeiten und häufige Fehlerquellen der deutschen Sprache. Durch abwechslungsreiche Übungen (Zuordnungsübungen, Lückentexte, Satzbildungsübungen u.v.m.), didaktisch sinnvolle, lernfördernde Illustrationen, situationsbezogene landeskundliche und interkulturelle Zusatzinformationen und Hörverständnis-Übungen auf einer MP3-CD werden Sie optimal auf Prüfungen der Niveaustufe A2 vorbereitet.
Deutsch-Negerenglisches WÃ rterbuch: Nebst Einem Anhang (Classic Reprint)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.47 $Excerpt from Deutsch-Negerenglisches Wörterbuch: Nebst Einem Anhang, Negerenglische Sprüchwörter EnthaltendNingte - tongo‚ „€regerfpraebe genannt; oder aneb febletbtweg „ningre 92egeriftb, banfig aber aneb Bakra, „(ßnroparfcb (o im (stegenfaß gu ibren urfbrünglicben, afritanifcben 6matben), tft aneb nad; (&roberung Der Kolonie Durcb Die -ßolländer, nnd %lbtretung Derfelben bon ©eiten (&nglanbß an - fpollanb im %rieden an 23reda, fliegerfbraebe geblieben, nnd iß nun, mit obiger ßlußnabme, Die allgemeine 11mgangßfpracbe Der flieger unter einander nnd 5ugleirb Die, in neleber ($nropc'ier mit ibnen berlebren.About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.comThis book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.
Deutsch Aktuell 1 Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.00 $Unused! Leaves in 1 Business Day or Less! Leaves Same Day if Received by 2 pm EST! New. Multiple copies available. MI
Deutsch: Na klar! An Introductory German Course (Student Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 118.13 $Deutsch: Na klar engages students with its unique integration of authentic materials and targeted listening and speaking activities, contemporary culture and communicative building blocks, providing the tools they need to build a solid foundation in introductory German. Communicative Competence: The program supports the communicative goals of the course by engaging students with authentic materials in print, audio, and video and puts the students into the kinds of situations they would encounter in any German-speaking environment. The program has been carefully designed to get students to communicate in a controlled way at first, then in a progressively more open-ended fashion, on a variety of topics that affect their own lives. In Connect German, students have full access to the digitally enhanced eBook, the online "Workbook/Lab Manual" activities, LearnSmart, and all of the accompanying audio and video resources, giving them the ability to interact with the materials as often as they wish. Cultural Competence: Deutsch: Na klar engages students in cross-cultural comparisons and analysis- express opinions, summarize, and synthesize texts, and narrate events- throughout the program. The cultural program s meaningful and extensive exploration of the German-speaking world is fully supported in Connect German through audio and video resources and interactive activities. Mobile Tools for Digital Success: Connect German, McGraw-Hill s digital teaching and learning environment, is now mobile enabled for tablets, allowing students to engage in their course material via the devices they use every day. The digital tools available in the Connect German platform facilitate student progress by providing extensive opportunities to practice and hone their developing skills. These learning opportunities include online communicative activities, instant feedback, peer-editing writing tools, sophisticated reporting, and a complete e-book with embedded audio, video...
Deutsch intensiv Hören & Sprechen B1. Buch + online -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.32 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Deutsch B1/B2 in der Pflege: Für Fachkräfte im Anerkennungsverfahren
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.27 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
Deutsch in 30 Tagen. German in 30 Days. Der kompakte Sprachkurs. (Lernmaterialien)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.41 $This entertaining self-study course for beginners follows Yuki, a Japanese student coming to Munich to live, study, work, tour and play. Each of the 30 units revolves around a different general or business-related topic and is replete with vocabulary, grammar explanations and exercises. It's the perfect course for the beginner or those wanting to brush up their German. Play the cassette while commuting, working around the house, or relaxing. That upcoming trip or visit with German-speaking relatives will be immeasurably more enjoyable after just 30 days with Yuki and her friends.
Deutsch Fur Alle, Workbook: Beginning College German
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.76 $The dialogs and reading selections are culturally authentic concerning life in German-speaking countries. Provides the latest information ranging from political issues and historical events such as German unification, demise of the DDR, the new European Community to human interest stories. Most grammar exercises have been contextualized and geared toward real-life situations. Several new features, including Weg vom Buch and Lesen leicht gemacht, have been added. Contains over 100 photos and numerous drawings which support vocabulary learning and grammatical structure.
Deutsch Im Einsatz Student;s Book
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.53 $This coursebook prepares students thoroughly for the requirements of the 2013 German B syllabus (first examination 2015), at both Standard and Higher Level. It is totally international, offering authentic materials from a variety of German-speaking countries. The texts and topics have been chosen because of their intrinsic interest to young people, and to enable students to develop a genuine intercultural understanding. The exercises are carefully designed to develop students' linguistic abilities, while encouraging them to develop critical thinking skills and allowing them the opportunity to interact personally with the material.
Deutsch Aktuell 3 Teacher Edition / Workbook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.92 $New TE of the Student Workbook. As pictured.
Deutsch als Zweitsprache
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.08 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Deutsch: Na klar! An Introductory German Course (Student Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.11 $Deutsch: Na klar engages students with its unique integration of authentic materials and targeted listening and speaking activities, contemporary culture and communicative building blocks, providing the tools they need to build a solid foundation in introductory German. Communicative Competence: The program supports the communicative goals of the course by engaging students with authentic materials in print, audio, and video and puts the students into the kinds of situations they would encounter in any German-speaking environment. The program has been carefully designed to get students to communicate in a controlled way at first, then in a progressively more open-ended fashion, on a variety of topics that affect their own lives. In Connect German, students have full access to the digitally enhanced eBook, the online "Workbook/Lab Manual" activities, LearnSmart, and all of the accompanying audio and video resources, giving them the ability to interact with the materials as often as they wish. Cultural Competence: Deutsch: Na klar engages students in cross-cultural comparisons and analysis- express opinions, summarize, and synthesize texts, and narrate events- throughout the program. The cultural program s meaningful and extensive exploration of the German-speaking world is fully supported in Connect German through audio and video resources and interactive activities. Mobile Tools for Digital Success: Connect German, McGraw-Hill s digital teaching and learning environment, is now mobile enabled for tablets, allowing students to engage in their course material via the devices they use every day. The digital tools available in the Connect German platform facilitate student progress by providing extensive opportunities to practice and hone their developing skills. These learning opportunities include online communicative activities, instant feedback, peer-editing writing tools, sophisticated reporting, and a complete e-book with embedded audio, video...
Deutsch Uben: Band 15 (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.69 $Used book that is in clean, average condition without any missing pages.
Deutsch Aktuell 2 (Deutsch Aktuell, 2) Test Booklet with Answer Key
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.93 $This booklet is a valuable tool for the hand of the German teacher who teaches level 2. It does not only provide handy help for the assessment of the content taught by offering tests for all lessons, but also gives the answer key, so that the teacher saves a lot time and for the students it is fairer, since the subjective factor is eliminated.
Deutsch-Neuguinea und Meine Ersteigung des Finisterre-Gebirges
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.25 $Excerpt from Deutsch-Neuguinea und Meine Ersteigung des Finisterre-Gebirges: Eine Schilderung des Ersten Erfolgreichen Vordringens zu den Hochgebirgen Inner-Neuguineas, der Natur des Landes der Sitten der Eingeborenen und des Gegenwärtigen Standes der Deutschen Kolonisationsthätigkeit in Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land Noch nicht beobachtete Drione org mit hem hoch!oipfeligen %oumwuchö aufräumen. %iihrenh, fo fchön ber 23ergwalh von flieuguineo ati folcher ift, feinen $nhioihnen eine gewiffe @informigieit nicht ab== gefprochen werben lonn. Pflegen am %olheäronh. Ober wo 2i(htungen iinh, eigenartigere 'bflon3enformen haä ?luge he3 %orfcheré su ent; 3iicfen liebliche %ornbäume, großblätterige wilbe $anonen, mancherlei 8eigenarten unb wo?: hergleichen mehr iß. 'iluth fehlt eß lange; her fchroffen $eläwänhe ber %innenlanhßgebirge weher an bielgeftaltigen 8arnlräuiern unb buntbliihenhen Namen, noch auf jenen {teilen iuiotten, wo fein 25oumwuehß gebeihen will, an europa; ähnlichem (c)eiheiraut. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.
Deutsch Aktuell 3 - Annotated Teacher's Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.99 $Deutsch Aktuell 3 - Annotated Teacher's Edition
Deutsch Für Ingenieure : Ein Daf-lehrwerk Für Studierende Ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Fächer -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.06 $Dieses DaF-Lehrbuch ist inhaltlich passgenau zugeschnitten für Ingenieurstudenten im In- und Ausland. Es ist ein kombiniertes Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch für Lerner mit Deutschkenntnissen ab A2-Niveau. Es enthält aber auch anspruchsvollere Texte und Übungen bis hin zum Niveau C1. Alle inhaltlichen Themen stammen aus Gebieten, die für angehende Ingenieure elementar und von fachlichem Interesse sind. Bei den Themen und Übungen liegt der Schwerpunkt exakt auf den sprachlichen Merkmalen, die für eine Fachkommunikation in den MINT-Fächern wichtig sind. Hier finden Sie praxisnahe und anschauliche Übungen für die Informationsbeschaffung, -strukturierung und -präsentation, die im ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Bereich benötigt werden. Die aktuelle Auflage enthält ein völlig neues Kapitel zur Physik, weitere hilfreiche Informationen zum Sprachniveau sowie ein neues Grammatikregister am Ende des Buches.
Deutsch Aktuell 1 Test Booklet with Answer Key
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.01 $Test Booklet with Answer Key 2014 Edition
Deutsch intensiv Grammatik A1. Buch + online -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.89 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Deutsch So Aktuell, German Level 1
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.54 $Ships SAME or NEXT business day. We Ship to APO/FPO addr. Choose EXPEDITED shipping and receive in 2-5 business days within the United States. See our member profile for customer support contact info. We have an easy return policy.
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