5 products were found matching your search for Faden in 1 shops:
Der rote Faden
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.73 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Märchenzauber mit Nadel und Faden mit Nadel und Faden [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.89 $220 S. Gebrauchtes Exemplar in gutem Zustand. KEINE Eintragungen/Markierungen. Acufactum. Märchenzauber mit Nadel & Faden. Es war einmal. Märchen verzaubern uns, sie entführen uns und erzählen uns Geschichten aus einer anderen Welt und von einer anderen Zeit. Das Dortmunder Mode-Label hofius und die kreativen Köpfe von acufactum haben gemeinsam für dieses Buch Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm textil interpretiert und kreativ mit Nadel und Faden umgesetzt. Gezeigt wird in wunderschönen Fotografien hochwertige und ausgefallene Designer-Mode für Mutter und Kind, sowie zauberhafte Accessoires für ein märchenhaftes Zuhause. Alle Modelle können mithilfe der ausführlichen Anleitungen und der praktischen Schnittmuster nachgearbeitet werden. 220 Seiten, 23,5 x 28,5 cm, Hardcover, mit Schnittmusterbögen. - Wir versenden aus unserem deutschen Lager heraus in plastikfreien oder wiederverwendeten Polstertaschen. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1480 loose_leaf, Maße: 24 cm x 2.6 cm x 29 cm
Map Trade in the Late Eighteenth Century : Letters to the London Map Sellers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 125.61 $This collection of eighty-nine letters written by Parisian and other European map publishers to the London map firm of Jefferys & Faden represents one of the few business archives left to us from the eighteenth-century map trade. Thomas Jefferys (c.1720-1771) and William Faden (1749-1836) both enjoyed the title of 'Geographer to the King of England' and were well respected by other geographers of the period. Like many of his contemporaries in the map trade, Jefferys had difficulty making a financial success of his map business; his successor Faden, by contrast, was able to expand the firm into a flourishing business which continued well into the nineteenth century. Their correspondents included important European map and print publishers such as Covens & Mortier in Amsterdam and Lattré, Julien and Desnos in Paris, as well as the French geographers d'Anville and Robert de Vaugondy. Other persons mentioned in the correspondence provide links between Faden's London firm and the Dépôt de la Marine, the French Navy's cartographic department, an important connection in the tumultuous decade of 1773-1783 when England found itself at war with France in North America, in the English Channel, and in India. The letters also provide a detailed view of the costs of doing business - prices, discount, payment, schedules and methods, shipping costs and arrangements- in the last quarter of the eighteenth century and further increase our knowledge of the economics of map production and sales in this period. The letters are now in the Manuscript Division of the William L. Clements Library at the University of Michigan. In this edition they have been transcribed and fully annotated and are preceded by an introduction placing the correspondence in the context of the print and book trade and the rôle of cartography in eighteenth-century politics.
Schriftbilder - experimentelle Kalligrafie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.85 $Neuware -Vom Text zur Textur: 150 Varianten, Schrift als Bild zu gestalten.Unkonventionelle Schreibwerkzeuge: Neben Feder, Stift und Pinsel kommen auch Locher, Cutter oder Nadel und Faden zum Einsatz.Das neue Buch der bekannten Schriftkünstlerin Denise Lach.Die Schriftkünstlerin Denise Lach widmet sich in ihrem neuen Buch dem Thema «Schriftbilder». Als Ausgangslage dient ein Zitat, das sie in einem quadratischen Raster als kompakte Textur darstellt. Die 150 Variationen dieser Textur veranschaulichen auf faszinierende Art die riesige Bandbreite an Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten des immer gleichen Textes.So experimentell und verspielt die 150 Variationen auf Papier, Textilien oder Druckplatten sind, sie folgen Regeln und lassen sich gestalterischen Grundformen wie Punkt, Linie, Kontur, Tiefe, Form und Kontrast zuordnen. So erscheint das Schriftbild mal schraffiert, mal negativ ausgeschnitten, mal rotiert, haarig oder im Dschungel-Look.Ein Must-Have für alle Schriftbegeisterten! 192 pp. Deutsch
The Map trade in the late eighteenth century
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.75 $This collection of eighty-nine letters written by Parisian and other European map publishers to the London map firm of Jefferys & Faden represents one of the few business archives left to us from the eighteenth-century map trade. Thomas Jefferys (c.1720-1771) and William Faden (1749-1836) both enjoyed the title of 'Geographer to the King of England' and were well respected by other geographers of the period. Like many of his contemporaries in the map trade, Jefferys had difficulty making a financial success of his map business; his successor Faden, by contrast, was able to expand the firm into a flourishing business which continued well into the nineteenth century. Their correspondents included important European map and print publishers such as Covens & Mortier in Amsterdam and Lattré, Julien and Desnos in Paris, as well as the French geographers d'Anville and Robert de Vaugondy. Other persons mentioned in the correspondence provide links between Faden's London firm and the Dépôt de la Marine, the French Navy's cartographic department, an important connection in the tumultuous decade of 1773-1783 when England found itself at war with France in North America, in the English Channel, and in India. The letters also provide a detailed view of the costs of doing business - prices, discount, payment, schedules and methods, shipping costs and arrangements- in the last quarter of the eighteenth century and further increase our knowledge of the economics of map production and sales in this period. The letters are now in the Manuscript Division of the William L. Clements Library at the University of Michigan. In this edition they have been transcribed and fully annotated and are preceded by an introduction placing the correspondence in the context of the print and book trade and the rôle of cartography in eighteenth-century politics.
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