163 products were found matching your search for Fotografie in 1 shops:
Le fotografie di von Gloeden.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.99 $A cura di Michele Falzone del Barbarò, Marina Miraglia e Italo Mussa. Con una nota di Goffredo Parise. cm.12x24, pp.128, illustrazioni. Collana I Grandi Libri, 146. Milano, Longanesi cm.12x24, pp.128, illustrazioni. brossura copertina figurata. Collana I Grandi Libri, 146.
Fotografie in der Weimarer Republik (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.41 $Erste Auflage. 27 x 22 cm. 262 S. Illustrierter OPappband. Sehr gutes Exemplar. Durchgehend mit schwarz-weißen Abbildungen versehen. Katalogbuch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn, vom 1. Oktober bis zum 19. Januar 2020. Mit Texten in deutscher Sprache. Sprache: deutsch.
Ceska Fotografie 90. Let/Czech Photography of the 1990s
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.19 $Contributions by Ladislav Kesner, Miroslav Vojtechovsky. Text by Vladimvr Birgus.
Stern Fotografie 72 - Mario Sorrenti
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 85.67 $This collection pays tribute to top fashion and celebrity photographer, Mario Sorrenti. Born in Italy, he moved to New York when he was ten. His unique style blends Euro glamour and NYC chic. Sorrenti shot to stellar fame in the early 90s due to a daring Calvin Klein "Obsession" campaign with Kate Moss. Shows of his alluring work have been mounted in London's Victoria and Albert Museum and New York's Museum of Modern Art. His distinguished advertising clients include Lancome, Paco Rabanne, and Benetton, and his images have been featured in many international magazines like VOGUE and HARPER'S BAZAAR presenting fashion shoots as well as celebrity portraits from Scarlett Johansson to Keith Richards.English/German edition.
Stern Fotografie 72
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 85.69 $This collection pays tribute to top fashion and celebrity photographer, Mario Sorrenti. Born in Italy, he moved to New York when he was ten. His unique style blends Euro glamour and NYC chic. Sorrenti shot to stellar fame in the early 90s due to a daring Calvin Klein "Obsession" campaign with Kate Moss. Shows of his alluring work have been mounted in London's Victoria and Albert Museum and New York's Museum of Modern Art. His distinguished advertising clients include Lancome, Paco Rabanne, and Benetton, and his images have been featured in many international magazines like VOGUE and HARPER'S BAZAAR presenting fashion shoots as well as celebrity portraits from Scarlett Johansson to Keith Richards.English/German edition.
Urbane Fotografie: In der Stadt fotografieren: Sehenswürdigkeiten, Architektur, Menschen (mitp Edition ProfiFoto)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.81 $Seiten; FBA+6U-QTPT-1B8W Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1
Signum. Fotografie Di Giò Martorana. Ediz. Italiana E Inglese
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.56 $La magia dell'isola di Salina, regina delle Eolie, descritta attraverso un viaggio multisensoriale a trecentosessanta gradi. Un'esperienza unica in un luogo indimenticabile. Un diario di viaggio alla scoperta di Signum, raffinato hotel ricavato dalla sapiente ristrutturazione di un antico borgo contadino, e della meravigliosa isola vulcanica al centro dell'Arcipelago delle Eolie. Le splendide fotografie di Giò Martorana restituiscono forme, colori, riflessi, profumi, gusti, suoni e atmosfere dell'incantevole isola siciliana. Grazie alle immagini di questo volume, che alternano in elegante equilibrio forti colori e raffinatissimo bianco e nero, possiamo vivere in prima persona un emozionante viaggio-soggiorno alla scoperta dell'isola del Mediterraneo; con gli occhi riusciamo ad assorbire luci e riflessi provenienti da mare e terra; con le dita sfioriamo la sabbia di nera lava e immergiamo i nostri corpi nelle limpide acque del Tirreno; ci raggiungono i delicati profumi dei fiori trasportati dal vento e assaporiamo i gusti unici e genuini della cucina siciliana; con il respiro del mare che ci accompagna come rilassante sottofondo e ci invita a sognare...
Stern Fotografie 71 - Yousuf Karsh
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.35 $Yousuf Karsh (1908-2002) made some of the mosticonic photography of his age. His wry portrait ofWinston Churchill lingers in the mind's eye like few others. Though prolific, for him there could be no shortcuts. His probing images reveal deeper truths,as he once stated, "Within every man and woman a secret is hidden." He was an artist unafraid to boldly feature negative space. Aesthetically precise, his style makesdeft use of studio lights and enveloping, inky tones. Karsh's stylized compositions captured everyone from Sophia Loren to Bernard Shaw to Fidel Castro,making the Armenian-born photographer who fled to Syria and Canada in his youth, into a powerful photographic master.
Spezial Fotografie Martin Parr [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.00 $Collected in this portfolio are provocative color images from a British photographer who has become the most successful of his generation. Martin Parr has best expressed himself through books (Home and Abroad, Think of England, The Last Resort) in which he uses a subjective documentary approach that is often at odds with the more journalistic style of reportage. His focus on the themes of mass tourism, mass consumption, mass marketing, and global homogenization shows us an environmentally destroyed world in which the major saving grace is a gritty, very British sense of humor.
Malerei in Fotografie: Strategien der Aneignung
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.03 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
Josef Sudek neznamy - salonni fotografie 1918-1942
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.14 $Josef Sudek (1896-1976) began his career in photography by submitting prints to international salons, competitions in which photographs were assessed by a jury, and the results published in a salon yearbook. From the start, Sudek's work met with great success at the salons, alongside that of Drtikol, Krupka and others, but it was only with the series From My Studio Window, which originated during World War II, that his name found wider fame. As a result, Sudek's salon photographs, dating from his return from World War I in 1918 until around 1932 (by which time he had begun his own business), have tended to be overlooked. The Unknown Josef Sudek retrieves these early works: beautiful still lifes, portraits, street scenes and interiors. Presenting the largest collection of this work to date, the publication reevaluates the importance of the photographer's earliest experiments, and demonstrates how he used the salons as a testing ground for new ideas.
Kresy: Fotografie z 1934 Roku
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 79.84 $A bilingual reissue of Louise Arner Boyd's collection of the interwar photographs of Kresy (Polish for "Borderlands"). Kresy was the Eastern part of the Second Polish Republic constituting nearly half of the territory of the state. Its population was multi-ethnic, primarily comprising Poles, Jews, Ukrainians and Belarusians. According to the official Polish statistics from interwar period, Poles formed the largest linguistic group in these regions, and were demographically the largest ethnic group in the cities. Other national minorities included Lithuanians and Karaites (in the north), Jews (scattered in cities and towns across the area), Czechs and Germans (in Wolyn and East Galicia), Armenians and Hungarians (in Lviv), and also Russians and Tartars. Louise Arner Boyd (1887-1972) was an American explorer of Greenland and the Arctic, who wrote extensively of her explorations, and in 1955 became the first woman to fly over the North Pole privately chartering a DC-4 and crew that included aviation pioneer Thor Solberg. In August 1934, after being elected as a delegate to the International Geographical Congress in Warsaw, Poland, Louise set out on a 3-month journey across the Polish countryside photographing and recording the customs, dress, economy and culture of the many ethnic Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Lithuanians. The journey, by car, rail, boat and on foot took her first from Lviv to Kovel (contemporary Ukraine), and then to Kobrin, Pinsk, Kletsk, Nesvizh, Slonim (now, in Belarus). She finished the journey in Vilno. Her travel narrative was supplemented with over 500 photographs and published by the American Geographical Society in 1937 as Polish Countrysides.
Stern Fotografie N69 - Nadav Kander
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 85.67 $Nadav Kander's work is a varied interplay of influences.His restrained and articulate compositionshave a clarity and calm that draw the viewer intozen-like states. The London-based photographer'sexceptional talent has been rewarded with majorsuccess, and his work is featured in the SundayTimes Magazine, Rolling Stone, and Esquire amongother publications. His unique skill is especiallymanifest in his spare and muted landscapes andhis straight portraits. The Yangtze, The LongRiver work was awarded the second Prix Pictet.His Obama's People feature--which he createdfor The New York Times Magazine in 2009--have a haunting complexity few contemporaryphotographers could equal.
Paolo Monti: Fotografie 1950-1980 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.00 $In Italian. Scarce in the US. Covers edgeworn. Name written inside front cover.
Karl Lagerfeld Fotografie /allemand [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.11 $224 S. Gebrauchtes Exemplar in sehr gutem Zustand. KEINE Eintragungen/Markierungen. Karl Lagerfeld sagte stets über sich, er habe drei Berufe: Modedesigner, Fotograf und Verleger. Doch die Fotografie schien ihm besonders wichtig zu sein und auch seine anderen beiden Leidenschaften zu beflügeln. Lagerfeld konnte nahezu jedes Projekt umsetzen: Er verfügte über die Mittel, ein breites Netzwerk der besten Models, Freund*innen, Bekannten und Kolleg*innen, mit denen zusammen nichts unmöglich war, konnte sich der edelsten Druckverfahren bedienen, in allen Formaten und Techniken, die ihm vorschwebten. Dieses schier unbegrenzte Reservoir ermöglichte Lagerfeld eine opulente Inszenierung, nicht nur seiner legendären Modenschauen im Grand Palais in Paris, sondern auch seiner groß angelegten Fotoprojekte. In seiner Fotografie spielt Lagerfeld souverän mit Themen und Positionen aus Kunst und Literatur verschiedenster Epochen, mit ihren formalen Gestaltungskategorien, mit vermeintlich altmodischen Idealen. Doch beinhaltet seine Kunst unter ihrer hoch artifiziellen Oberfläche einen tiefergehenden Inhalt voller Anspielungen und Reflektionen. Karl Lagerfeld hat annähernd fünfzig Fotobücher veröffentlicht, die meisten im Steidl Verlag. Der Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Moritzburg Halle (Saale) gibt erstmals einen umfassenden Einblick in sein fotografisches Werk. - Wir versenden aus unserem deutschen Lager heraus in plastikfreien oder wiederverwendeten Polstertaschen. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1593 Gebundene Ausgabe, Maße: 24.8 cm x 3 cm x 32.9 cm
Anton Stankowski: Fotografie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.32 $Book by Frank-Thorsten Moll, Anton Stankowski, Ursula Zeller
Robert Polidori (Fotografie: Portfolio) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 66.00 $A wide-ranging collection of images by renowned photographer Robert Polidori is showcased to great effect in this Stern Portfolio. Haunting cityscapes of Shanghai and Brasilia are included, along with photographs that reveal the social life beneath the patina of Havana's old quarter and imbue the city with its distinctive identity. Also included are Polidori's disturbing yet stunning pictures from the abandoned region around Chernobyl 15 years after the nuclear plant was destroyed there. By contrast, the chapter on Versailles highlights the restoration of faded aristocratic elegance. On the surface, this Canadian-born, New York-based photographer's subjects are buildings but his real interest is habitat. He focuses his camera on the remnants and traces of the living he finds left in backrooms, in solitary corridors, and worn on naked facades to set up surprising contrasts and unique perspectives. In doing so, he succeeds in capturing the true essence of a place and, in his masterful compositions, the inner lives of people and their memories spring to life and unfold before our eyes.
Die Armen . [Fotografie / Photography].
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.32 $4°. 119 Seiten (überwiegend Illustrationen). Gebundene Ausgabe mit Original-Umschlag. Sehr guter, neuwertiger Zustand. Kein Besitzervermerk! Keine Anstreichungen! Kein Mängelexemplar!
40 years of photography/40 Jahre Fotografie/40 Ans de Photographie.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.28 $"I have been searching for time past all my life." —Jeanloup Sieff In this unique monograph, Jeanloup Sieff (1933-2000) retraces in words and images the course of 40 years of photographs, encounters, and memories. Divided into four chapters, from the 50s to the 90s, the book brings together the major photographs of a creator who left his imprint on a generation with prolific work in the fields of fashion, landscape, advertising, and portrait photography. Sieff’s art testifies to his tireless quest to capture the fleeting beauty of "temps perdu," or "time which cannot recur." Text in English, French, and German
Giuseppe Cavalli Fotografie 1936-1961
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.35 $Over 100 illustrations, almost all in b&w. 4to, boards. Published to accompany an exhibition at the Museo di Roma - Palazzo Braschi, Rome. Text in Italian.
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