17 products were found matching your search for Gesang in 3 shops:
Kommentar: Sechster Gesang Faszikel 2 Kommentar (Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Commentare (SWC), Band 4)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.06 $Since Ameis-Hentze-Cauer (1868-1913) no comprehensive, scholarly commentary of Homer's Iliad has been published in German. In the meantime considerable progress has been made in many traditional areas of Homeric studies (language, realia, structure etc.). In addition, generally acknowledged new fields such as narratology have been systematically studied. Furthermore, the knowledge of the Mycenaean language (Linear B) and oral poetry provide completely new possibilities of textual constitution and analysis. Using the old Ameis-Hentze-Cauer as a starting point, the new commentary reflects the current scholarship on Homer in a comprehensive way. As a new standard work, the "Basel Commentary" of the Iliad has received considerable recognition among scholars worldwide. The fresh concept in terms of content and form serves the needs of different groups of users. The commentary primarily aims at students and academic teachers (at schools and universities), not only of Classics but also of cultural and literary studies as well as of humanities in general. The original plan to proceed from book to book was abandoned. With respect to the current preferences in schools and universities the six most important books will be available until 2009 at the latest: 3 (teichoscopia, truce, single-combat between Menelaus and Paris), 6 (the episode of Diomedes and Glaucus, Hector in Troy), 9 (overtures to the angry Achilles), 19 (Achilles' reconciliation and return to battle), 22 (Hector's death) and 24 (Hector's body is returned to Priam by Achilles). The authors of the volumes to be published until 2009 are the following: Book 3: Dr. Martha Krieter-Spiro Book 6: Dr. Magdalene Stoevesandt Book 9: Prof. Dr. Joachim Latacz Book 19: Dr. Marina Coray Book 22: Prof. Dr. Robert Plath Book 24: lic. phil. Claude Brügger.
Eurythmie als sichtbarer Gesang
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.87 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
Homerus: Homers Ilias. Sechster Gesang Kommentar
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 165.98 $Since Ameis-Hentze-Cauer (1868-1913) no comprehensive, scholarly commentary of Homer's Iliad has been published in German. In the meantime considerable progress has been made in many traditional areas of Homeric studies (language, realia, structure etc.). In addition, generally acknowledged new fields such as narratology have been systematically studied. Furthermore, the knowledge of the Mycenaean language (Linear B) and oral poetry provide completely new possibilities of textual constitution and analysis. Using the old Ameis-Hentze-Cauer as a starting point, the new commentary reflects the current scholarship on Homer in a comprehensive way. As a new standard work, the "Basel Commentary" of the Iliad has received considerable recognition among scholars worldwide. The fresh concept in terms of content and form serves the needs of different groups of users. The commentary primarily aims at students and academic teachers (at schools and universities), not only of Classics but also of cultural and literary studies as well as of humanities in general. The original plan to proceed from book to book was abandoned. With respect to the current preferences in schools and universities the six most important books will be available until 2009 at the latest: 3 (teichoscopia, truce, single-combat between Menelaus and Paris), 6 (the episode of Diomedes and Glaucus, Hector in Troy), 9 (overtures to the angry Achilles), 19 (Achilles' reconciliation and return to battle), 22 (Hector's death) and 24 (Hector's body is returned to Priam by Achilles). The authors of the volumes to be published until 2009 are the following: Book 3: Dr. Martha Krieter-Spiro Book 6: Dr. Magdalene Stoevesandt Book 9: Prof. Dr. Joachim Latacz Book 19: Dr. Marina Coray Book 22: Prof. Dr. Robert Plath Book 24: lic. phil. Claude Brügger.
Hannah Montana, für Gesang, w. Audio-CD
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.87 $(Pro Vocal). Whether you're a karaoke singer or preparing for an audition, the Pro Vocal series is for you. The book contains the lyrics, melody, and chord symbols for eight hit songs. The CD contains demos for listening and separate backing tracks so you can sing along. The CD is playable on any CD, but it is also enhanced for PC and Mac computer users so you can adjust the recording to any pitch without changing the tempo! Perfect for home rehearsal, parties, auditions, corporate events, and gigs without a backup band. This volume includes 8 top hits from the show "Hannah Montana": The Best of Both Worlds * I Got Nerve * If We Were a Movie * Life's What You Make It * Nobody's Perfect * The Other Side of Me * We Got the Party * Who Said.
Homers Ilias. Gesamtkommentar. Band II: Zweiter Gesang (B). Faszikel 1: Text und Übersetzung. (= Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Commentare).
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $No complete, scholarly commentary of Homer's Iliad has been published in German since Ameis-Hentze-Cauer (1868-1913). In the meantime, considerable progress has been made in many traditional branches of the study of Homer (language, facts, structure etc.). In addition, generally acknowledged fields such as narrative studies have received a systematic basis, while Mycenaeology (Linear B) and oral-poetry studies provide completely new possibilities for analysing texts. Using the old Ameis-Hentze-Cauer as a basis, the new commentary will take these developments into account and seek to reflect the current level of Homer studies as comprehensively as possible. Primary target groups include students and academics of classical studies as well as the humanities in general.
Homerus: Homers Ilias. Dritter Gesang Kommentar
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 155.26 $This commentary on the 3rd book of the Iliad concentrates on the interpretation of the ceremonial single combat between the rivals for Helen, Paris and Menelaus - a scene that reflects the origins of the Trojan War. The famous parade before the walls presents Agamemnon, Odysseus and Ajax, as well as revealing just how much in love Paris and Helen are, in spite of internal and external conflicts.
Vollständige Schule des Gesangs
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.57 $Neuware - Der 1794 in Neapel geborene Luigi Lablache war einer der berühmtesten Bässe seiner Zeit und auf allen großen Bühnen Europas zuhause. Auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Kunst beschloss er, seine Erkenntnisse über die technischen und künstlerischen Grundlagen des Singens in dieser 'Méthode complète de chant' (frz. Unsere Ausgabe folgt der überarbeiteten italienischen Fassung von 1842) festzuhalten. Sie ist sicher weniger 'vollständig' als der Autor vorgibt, liefert aber unvergleichliche Erkenntnisse über die Kunst des Singens und der Interpretation zur Blütezeit der italienischen Oper und enthält hervorragende Vokalisen und Studien zu den damals typischen Verzierungen.
Homers Ilias: Gesamtkommentar : Erster Gesang (A) : Faszikel 1, Text Und Ubersetzung (Greek and German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.00 $Scholars' bookplate to inner cover. 1 corner and base of spine lightly bumped. ; Greek text with German introduction and translation. ; 60 pages
Homerus: Homers Ilias. 21. Gesang Kommentar
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 133.84 $Neuware - Ein deutschsprachiger wissenschaftlicher Gesamtkommentar zu Homers Ilias ist seit dem Kommentar von Ameis-Hentze-Cauer (1868-1913) nicht mehr erschienen. In der Zwischenzeit hat die Homer-Forschung auf sämtlichen traditionellen Teilgebieten (Sprache, Realien, Struktur usw.) erhebliche Fortschritte gemacht. Darüber hinaus sind grundsätzlich bekannte Bereiche wie z. B. die Erzählforschung auf eine systematische Grundlage gestellt worden. Schließlich sind mit Mykenologie (Linear B) und Oral-poetry- sowie Troia-Forschung gänzlich neue Möglichkeiten der Texterschließung hinzugekommen. Ausgehend von der Basis des alten Ameis-Hentze-Cauer spiegelt der Kommentar den gegenwärtigen Kenntnisstand der Homerforschung in umfassender Breite wider. Der 'Basler Kommentar' zur Ilias wird von der Fachwelt als neues Grundlagenwerk weltweit stark beachtet. Ein inhaltlich und formal neuartiges Konzept kommt den Bedürfnissen unterschiedlicher Benutzergruppen entgegen. Der Kommentar zu einzelnen Versgruppen bzw. Versen gliedert sich in jeweils bis zu vier auch typographisch voneinander abgesetzte Erklärungsebenen, aufsteigend von Elementarerläuterungen zur homerischen Sprache bis zu Fragen der Struktur und der poetischen Technik, Adressaten sind Studierende und Dozenten an Universität und Schule, nicht nur der Altertumswissenschaften, sondern allgemein der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften.
Love Never Dies, Songbook: Klavier, Gesang, Gitarre
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.83 $(Vocal Selections). Our folio features 13 vocal selections to Lord Lloyd Webber's follow-up to the global phenomenon The Phantom of the Opera that's set 10 years after the original in Coney Island. Songs include: The Beauty Underneath * Dear Old Friend * Devil Take the Hindmost * Look with Your Heart * Love Never Dies * Once upon Another Time * 'Til I Hear You Sing * Why Does She Love Me? * and more. Includes color photos and songs from the London production.
Schwanen Gesang
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 22.98 $ (+1.99 $)Schwanen Gesang Justus Zeyen - CD 717281912334
Schott 49019701
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 31.99 $ (+9.95 $)Author: Anneliese Riesch Lebendige Stimme - Stimmbildung f r Sprache und Gesang Publisher: Schott Category: Classical Series: Schott Format: ...
Schott 49016271
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 22.99 $ (+9.95 $)Author: Hugo Pinksterboer Pocket-Info Gesang (German Text) Publisher: Schott Category: Classical Series: Schott Format: Paperback Pocket-In...
Last Songs-An Alpine Sym
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 42.99 $Dresden and the Staatskapelle Dresden have a special relation to Richard Strauss. Many of his compositions had their world premiere in Dresden and the composer dedicated An Alpine Symphony to the Dresden orchestra. The programme includes Four Last Songs, Ernster Gesang by Wolfgang Rihm and the German premiere of the last completed Strauss song "Mallows" in an orchestral version, arranged specifically for Dresden by Wolfgang Rihm.
Panikperlen - Das Beste Von Udo Lindenberg - Songbook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.67 $Die besten Songs aus 35 Jahren von Udo Lindenberg, zum ersten mal in einem Sammelband, arrangiert fr Piano, Gitarre und Gesang. Erinnern Sie sich an Panikperlen wie "Rudi ratlos", "Sonderzug nach Pankow" und "Andrea Doria"
Panikperlen - Das Beste von Udo Lindenberg
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.88 $Die besten Songs aus 35 Jahren von Udo Lindenberg, zum ersten mal in einem Sammelband, arrangiert fr Piano, Gitarre und Gesang. Erinnern Sie sich an Panikperlen wie "Rudi ratlos", "Sonderzug nach Pankow" und "Andrea Doria"
Last Songs-An Alpine Sym
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.99 $Dresden and the Staatskapelle Dresden have a special relation to Richard Strauss. Many of his compositions had their world premiere in Dresden and the composer dedicated An Alpine Symphony to the Dresden orchestra. The programme includes Four Last Songs, Ernster Gesang by Wolfgang Rihm and the German premiere of the last completed Strauss song "Mallows" in an orchestral version, arranged specifically for Dresden by Wolfgang Rihm.
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