19 products were found matching your search for Honig in 3 shops:
Mrs. Honig's Cakes #4, Summer Stories
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.68 $Sit back in your beach chair and feel the sun on your face. Take another lick of ice cream as you turn another page in Mrs. Honig's Cakes Summer Stories. Fill the long, hot days with happy reading hours as Mrs. Honig's lively and true-to-life characters take you along on their summer adventures. In this fourth volume, let Mrs. Honig treat you to more of her delicacies, as you join her for a summer retreat.
GourmetGiftBaskets.com Holiday Red Wine & Dark Chocolate Gift Basket Honig
Vendor: Gourmetgiftbaskets.com Price: 189.99 $ (+22.99 $)Raise your holiday gifting to new levels! Unbox cheer and delight with our elegant dark chocolate and wine gift- featuring a bottle of Honig Napa Valley cabernet sauvignon and an enticing assortment of chocolate delights. This perfect gift that blends sophistication with scrumptiousness will be delivered straight to their door. A toast to spreading smiles!
Mrs. Honig's Cakes #4, Summer Stories
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.98 $Sit back in your beach chair and feel the sun on your face. Take another lick of ice cream as you turn another page in Mrs. Honig's Cakes Summer Stories. Fill the long, hot days with happy reading hours as Mrs. Honig's lively and true-to-life characters take you along on their summer adventures. In this fourth volume, let Mrs. Honig treat you to more of her delicacies, as you join her for a summer retreat.
The ESSL Collection Art of the Present, Blood and Honey Future's in the Balkans, kunst Der Gegenwart Blut & Honig Zukunft Ist am Balkan
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.25 $some shelfwear/edgewear but still NICE! - may have remainder mark or previous owner's name Oversized.
The Jewish Home Cookbook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.21 $Book by Nancy L. Benjamin (Editor), Lisa A B. Honig (Editor)
Folding in on Itself
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 22.98 $ (+1.99 $)Folding in on Itself Ezekiel Honig - LP 5065000885656
The Scientific Proof of God: Unified Field Theory Revealed
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.88 $In his groundbreaking book, The Scientific Proof of God, Fredrick Swaroop Honig takes difficult concepts about quantum physics and the functioning of the universe, and explains them in simple language that anyone can understand. He integrates science and consciousness and shows us how this information contains the very core of our purpose on this planet. This is an inspiring read that leaves us with hope about our lives and the goodness of this world.” — Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason Fredrick Swaroop Honig is a visionary whose insights bridge the scientific and spiritual worlds. Swaroop was trained as a Mechanical Engineer at UC Berkeley in the ’70s, and then lived as a monk for twenty years in the Ashram of the acclaimed interfaith leader Sri Swami Satchidananda. His forty years of deep meditation practice have revealed to him profound insights into the nature of the universe. In The Scientific Proof of God, Swaroop integrates into the standard model of physics the dimensions of Consciousness and Intention. He sheds light on how the universe began and illuminates the twelve principle mysteries presently unanswered in the standard model of physics. Swaroop offers a new application of Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2, and how this equation when applied to the universe’s dimension of consciousness becomes the Unitive Field Law of Causation. This one equation explains the cause and effect of any action as well as how the primal singularity, the seed of the universe, came into existence before the Big Bang. As a golden bridge between Science and Spirituality, this book also explains how the name of God can be used for attaining Unitive Consciousness. Through these pages, the universe will make more sense to you and you will better understand your unique part in it. We are one with Unitive Consciousness, and realizing this is the goal of life.
Political Theory and the Displacement of Politics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.46 $In this book, Bonnie Honig rethinks that established relation between politics and political theory. From liberal to communitarian to republican, political theorists of opposing positions often treat political theory less as an exploration of politics than as a series of devices of its displacement. Honig characterizes Kant, Rawls, and Sandel as virtue theorists of politics, arguing that they rely on principles of right, rationality, community, and law to protect their political theories from the conflict and uncertainty of political reality. Drawing on Nietzsche and Arendt, as well as Machiavelli and Derrida, Honig explores an alternative politics of virtù, which treats the disruptions of political order as valued sites of democratic freedom and individuality.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.57 $Das Buch beschaftigt sich mit allen Fragen der Ernahrung, Zubereitung und Verdauung. Erlautert werden die Ernahrungsgeschichte der Menschheit, die Ernahrung mit Eiweiss, Fett, Kohlehydraten, Salzen und Vitaminen, Milch und Honig, Getreide und Obst, Leguminosen, Nachtschatten, Gewurzen, Genussmitteln, Konservierungsmitteln auf naturgegebene und auch chemische Weise. In einem Anhang von Dr. Grete Hauschka werden praktische Diathinweise fur Gesunde und Kranke in kurzer, klarer Form gegeben.
Calderon de la Barca: Six Plays
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.89 $This volume brings together four long out-of-print Honig translations: Secret Vengeance for Secret Insult, Devotion to the Cross, The Phantom Lady, and The Mayor of Zalamea, joined by the ever popular Life is a Dream and the newly translated, never before published version of The Crown of Absalom. Six Plays will make Calderon's work available to a new generation of readers.
Baseball When the Grass Was Real: Baseball from the Twenties to the Forties, Told by the Men Who Played It
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 10.13 $Donald Honig crossed the country to meet and interview former big-league ball players. They shared their memories with him and the result is a book packed with nostalgia, statistics, action, revelations—an extraordinary oral history of baseball in the halcyon days beween the two world wars. Babe Ruth, Lefty Grove, Ted Williams, Bob Feller, Dizzy Dean, Jackie Robinson, Lou Gehrig, and many others are brought to life through the recollections of Wes Ferrell, Charlie Gehringer, Elbie Fletcher, Bucky Waters, Billy Herman, Cool Papa Bell, Spud Chandler, Pete Reiser, and a host of others. Those were the days when the grass was real, salaries were modest, Bob Feller was America's most famous seventeen-year-old, and idealism was in full swing. "Baseball builds your pride," said pitcher Wes Ferrell, who played it in order "to be a better guy."
Telling the Bees
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.22 $With echoes of The Remains of the Day, an elderly beekeeper looks back on his quiet life, and the secrets of a woman he never truly knew.Albert Honig’s most constant companions have always been his bees. A never-married octogenarian, he makes a modest living as a beekeeper, as his father and his father’s father did before him. Deeply acquainted with the workings of the hives, Albert is less versed in the ways of people, especially his friend Claire, whose presence and absence in his life have never been reconciled.When Claire is killed in a seemingly senseless accident during a burglary gone wrong, Albert is haunted by the loss, and by the secrets and silence that hovered between them for so long. As he pieces together the memories of their shared history, he will come to learn the painful truths about Claire’s life, and the redemptive power of laying the past to rest.
The Scientific Proof of God: Unified Field Theory Revealed
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.06 $In his groundbreaking book, The Scientific Proof of God, Fredrick Swaroop Honig takes difficult concepts about quantum physics and the functioning of the universe, and explains them in simple language that anyone can understand. He integrates science and consciousness and shows us how this information contains the very core of our purpose on this planet. This is an inspiring read that leaves us with hope about our lives and the goodness of this world.” — Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason Fredrick Swaroop Honig is a visionary whose insights bridge the scientific and spiritual worlds. Swaroop was trained as a Mechanical Engineer at UC Berkeley in the ’70s, and then lived as a monk for twenty years in the Ashram of the acclaimed interfaith leader Sri Swami Satchidananda. His forty years of deep meditation practice have revealed to him profound insights into the nature of the universe. In The Scientific Proof of God, Swaroop integrates into the standard model of physics the dimensions of Consciousness and Intention. He sheds light on how the universe began and illuminates the twelve principle mysteries presently unanswered in the standard model of physics. Swaroop offers a new application of Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2, and how this equation when applied to the universe’s dimension of consciousness becomes the Unitive Field Law of Causation. This one equation explains the cause and effect of any action as well as how the primal singularity, the seed of the universe, came into existence before the Big Bang. As a golden bridge between Science and Spirituality, this book also explains how the name of God can be used for attaining Unitive Consciousness. Through these pages, the universe will make more sense to you and you will better understand your unique part in it. We are one with Unitive Consciousness, and realizing this is the goal of life.
Comparative Cognition: Experimental Explorations of Animal Intelligence
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 90.95 $In 1978, Hulse, Fowler, and Honig published Cognitive Processes in Animal Behavior, an edited volume that was a landmark in the scientific study of animal intelligence. It liberated interest in complex learning and cognition from the grasp of the rigid theoretical structures of behaviorism that had prevailed during the previous four decades, and as a result, the field of comparative cognition was born. At long last, the study of the cognitive capacities of animals other than humans emerged as a worthwhile scientific enterprise. No less rigorous than purely behavioristic investigations, studies of animal intelligence spanned such wide-ranging topics as perception, spatial learning and memory, timing and numerical competence, categorization and conceptualization, problem solving, rule learning, and creativity.During the ensuing 25 years, the field of comparative cognition has thrived and grown, and public interest in it has risen to unprecedented levels. In their quest to understand the nature and mechanisms of intelligence, researchers have studied animals from bees to chimpanzees. Sessions on comparative cognition have become common at meetings of the major societies for psychology and neuroscience, and in fact, research in comparative cognition has increased so much that a separate society, the Comparative Cognition Society, has been formed to bring it together. This volume celebrates comparative cognition's first quarter century with a state-of-the-art collection of chapters covering the broad realm of the scientific study of animal intelligence. Comparative Cognition will be an invaluable resource for students and professional researchers in all areas of psychology and neuroscience.
Teaching Our Children to Read: The Components of an Effective, Comprehensive Reading Program
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.06 $Updated Edition of BestsellerImplement the best research-based practices in classroom activities, reading materials, training, and leadership. This new edition of Bill Honig’s classic on reading and teaching grows out of the experiences of scores of dedicated teachers and their successes in the classroom. Here, the former California State Superintendent of Schools provides an updated overview of important research and instructional strategies that can bring all students to higher levels of literacy. You’ll find expanded sections on: · Phonics instruction · Fluency · Spelling · Strategic reading · Book discussion · Connected practices with decodable text... plus new tables and an expanded list of frequently asked questions.
The New York Yankees: An Illustrated History
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.51 $The New York Yankees: An Illustrated History [hardcover] Honig, Donald [Oct 18, 1981]
Antigone, Interrupted
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.73 $Sophocles' Antigone is a touchstone in democratic, feminist and legal theory, and possibly the most commented upon play in the history of philosophy and political theory. Bonnie Honig's rereading of it therefore involves intervening in a host of literatures and unsettling many of their governing assumptions. Exploring the power of Antigone in a variety of political, cultural, and theoretical settings, Honig identifies the 'Antigone-effect' - which moves those who enlist Antigone for their politics from activism into lamentation. She argues that Antigone's own lamentations can be seen not just as signs of dissidence but rather as markers of a rival world view with its own sovereignty and vitality. Honig argues that the play does not offer simply a model for resistance politics or 'equal dignity in death', but a more positive politics of counter-sovereignty and solidarity which emphasizes equality in life.
Comparative Cognition: Experimental Explorations of Animal Intelligence
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.11 $In 1978, Hulse, Fowler, and Honig published Cognitive Processes in Animal Behavior, an edited volume that was a landmark in the scientific study of animal intelligence. It liberated interest in complex learning and cognition from the grasp of the rigid theoretical structures of behaviorism that had prevailed during the previous four decades, and as a result, the field of comparative cognition was born. At long last, the study of the cognitive capacities of animals other than humans emerged as a worthwhile scientific enterprise. No less rigorous than purely behavioristic investigations, studies of animal intelligence spanned such wide-ranging topics as perception, spatial learning and memory, timing and numerical competence, categorization and conceptualization, problem solving, rule learning, and creativity.During the ensuing 25 years, the field of comparative cognition has thrived and grown, and public interest in it has risen to unprecedented levels. In their quest to understand the nature and mechanisms of intelligence, researchers have studied animals from bees to chimpanzees. Sessions on comparative cognition have become common at meetings of the major societies for psychology and neuroscience, and in fact, research in comparative cognition has increased so much that a separate society, the Comparative Cognition Society, has been formed to bring it together. This volume celebrates comparative cognition's first quarter century with a state-of-the-art collection of chapters covering the broad realm of the scientific study of animal intelligence. Comparative Cognition will be an invaluable resource for students and professional researchers in all areas of psychology and neuroscience.
First Cousin Once Removed
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 20.19 $ (+1.99 $)Distinguished poet, translator, critic, and teacher Edwin Honig received worldwide praise, as well as honorary knighthoods from Spain and Portugal. First Cousin Once Removed is acclaimed filmmaker Alan Berliner's deeply personal portrait of Honig - his friend, cousin and mentor - and Honig's journey through the ravages of Alzheimer's disease. Shot over five years, the film documents his metamorphosis by weaving intimate conversations with Honig, his family and friends; home movies, poetry readin
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