6 products were found matching your search for Konstant in 1 shops:
Praying the Rosary: With the Beatitudes, the Way of the Cross and an Examination of Conscience
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 124.69 $With further meditations on The Beatitudes and The Way of the Cross, together with an Examination of Conscience, this book offers, in Bishop Konstant's words, a small scaffolding for prayer.
Geometric Quantization (Oxford Mathematical Monographs)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 159.26 $The geometric approach to quantization was introduced by Konstant and Souriau more than 20 years ago. It has given valuable and lasting insights into the relationship between classical and quantum systems, and continues to be a popular research topic. The ideas have proved useful in pure mathematics, notably in representation theory, as well as in theoretical physics. The most recent applications have been in conformal field theory and in the Jones-Witten theory of knots. The successful original edition of this book was published in 1980. Now it has been completely revised and extensively rewritten. The presentation has been simplified and many new examples have been added. The material on field theory has been expanded.
Kochen im großen Stil Viele Portionen - viel Genuss Gastronomie - Catering - Gemeinschaftsverpflegung
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 69.58 $Neuware -Think big! Topqualität trotz großer Produktionsmengen! Mit diesem Buch sind guter Geschmack, ansprechende Optik und Frische Programm.Wie Gerichte von der ersten bis zur letzten Portion konstant gut bleiben, stellt Küchenprofi Peter Kirischitz in diesem Buch unter Beweis. Zahlreiche Tipps und Tricks, gespeist aus jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung, helfen jede Herausforderung in der Großküche zu meistern. Mit über 500 Rezepten von Peter Kirischitz und namhaften Köchen wie Helmut Österreicher, Siegfried Kröpfl, Robert Wanko, Johann Reisinger und vielen mehr ist eine abwechslungsreiche Menüplanung garantiert. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf vegetarischen und veganen Gerichten. Diese sind nicht nur stark im Trend, sondern schonen auch das Budget des Betriebes.Vom ersten bis zum letzten Teller: Masse mit Klasse! 496 pp. Deutsch
Angel's Rest (An Eternity Springs Novel)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 88.88 $Used book in good condition with minor wear. Pages are clean with no markings. Book is free of any stamping. The binding is strong. Ships direct from Amazon! Thank you for shopping with Konstant Knowledge!
Geomatric Quantization
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 156.61 $The geometric approach to quantization was introduced by Konstant and Souriau more than 20 years ago. It has given valuable and lasting insights into the relationship between classical and quantum systems, and continues to be a popular research topic. The ideas have proved useful in pure mathematics, notably in representation theory, as well as in theoretical physics. The most recent applications have been in conformal field theory and in the Jones-Witten theory of knots. The successful original edition of this book was published in 1980. Now it has been completely revised and extensively rewritten. The presentation has been simplified and many new examples have been added. The material on field theory has been expanded.
Geometric Quantization
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 8.76 $The geometric approach to quantization was introduced by Konstant and Souriau more than 20 years ago. It has given valuable and lasting insights into the relationship between classical and quantum systems, and continues to be a popular research topic. The ideas have proved useful in pure mathematics, notably in representation theory, as well as in theoretical physics. The most recent applications have been in conformal field theory and in the Jones-Witten theory of knots. The successful original edition of this book was published in 1980. Now it has been completely revised and extensively rewritten. The presentation has been simplified and many new examples have been added. The material on field theory has been expanded.
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