212 products were found matching your search for Lied in 2 shops:
Lied und populäre Kultur / Song and Popular Culture
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.83 $Neuware - In dem Jahrbuch 'Lied und populäre Kultur' 67/2022 soll die Popularität von (populärer) Musik als Behauptung hinterfragt werden. Die Diskussion sollte sich dabei nicht allein auf die so genannte Popmusik beschränken, sondern alle Arten von populärer Musik, Unterhaltungsmusik, Musik im Film und auf der (Theater-)Bühne umfassen, ebenso alle Musik, die nicht in den engeren Genre-Diskurs der populären Musik fallt: Oper, Operette, Volksmusik, Volkslied und anderes. Denn auch dort ist die Frage nach der 'richtigen' Popularität immanent.
Das Lied Von Der Erde
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.95 $ (+1.99 $)Starring Paul Groves, Thomas Hampson.
Das Lied Von Der Glocke
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 33.99 $Das Lied Von Der Glocke Jac van Steen - CD 761203713028
Das Lied des Lebens
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.59 $1997 Suhrkamp Publishing German Edition Hardcover
Elfen Lied Omnibus Volume 2 (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.55 $The ruthless soldier Bando pursues Nyu's alter-ego Lucy with vengeance after he receives bionic prosthetic replacements as a result of their gruesome battle.Meanwhile, Lucy recalls her buried, tragic memories as a Diclonius child. To worsen the situation, Chief Kakuzawa orders a Diclonius named Mariko to kill Nana and return Lucy to the research facility!Lynn Okamoto's beloved series is now available in English for the very first time, presented here in a special omnibus collecting three volumes in one! Collects Japanese Elfen Lied Volumes 4-6.
The Man Who Lied to His Laptop: What We Can Learn About Ourselves from Our Machines
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.83 $Counterintuitive insights about building successful relationships- based on research into human-computer interaction. Books like Predictably Irrational and Sway have revolutionized how we view human behavior. Now, Stanford professor Clifford Nass has discovered a set of rules for effective human relationships, drawn from an unlikely source: his study of our interactions with computers.Based on his decades of research, Nass demonstrates that-although we might deny it-we treat computers and other devices like people: we empathize with them, argue with them, form bonds with them. We even lie to them to protect their feelings.This fundamental revelation has led to groundbreaking research on how people should behave with one another. Nass's research shows that:Mixing criticism and praise is a wildly ineffective method of evaluationFlattery works-even when the recipient knows it's fakeIntroverts and extroverts are each best at selling to one of their ownNass's discoveries provide nothing less than a new blueprint for successful human relationships.
Khrushchev Lied
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.29 $IMP: Acceptable- Do not include ACCESS CODE, CD-ROM or companion materials even if stated in item title. It may contain highlighting/markings throughout, and the covers and corners may show shelf wear. Corners, pages may be dent. All text is legible.
The German Lied and Its Poetry [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 95.00 $Most Lieder composers chose their texts with great care, selecting only the better poems of the most significant poets. They hoped to endow these poems with music tha would enhance the words and thus make the poem more expressive. Since Professor Brody teaches music and Professor Fowkes teaches German the reader id offered a complete examination of Lieder from both an analysis of the musical score and the text of the poetry. The authors examine selected lieder from Mozart through Berg. After a brief summary of the formal contributions of the Minnesingers and Meistersingers, Germany's poet-musicians, the authors concern themselves more precisely with landmarks of the Lieder literature, works which represent the most successful marriage of tet and music. The principal topics covered are the meaning of the poetry, the origin of unusual words in the text, the role of the piano in the accompaniment, and the manner in which the composer combines vocal melody with figurations in the accompaniment. Special attention is paid to those elements of the poetry which have attracted the composer. the reader is offered an analysis of the poem's various levels of meaning and the poet's various levels of meaning and the poet's use of mythology, symbolism, irony and other devices insofar as they are essential to an understanding of the Lied as a whole.
Katy Lied (SHM-CD) (IMPORT)
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 27.99 $Japanese SHM-CD pressing. Universal.
Ein Lied für Nagasaki
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.34 $Neuware -Am 9.8.1945 wurde von den Amerikanern eine Atombombe über Nagasaki abgeworfen, die in einem Augenblick Zehntausende Menschen tötete und größte Verwüstungen hinterließ. Unter den Überlebenden befand sich Takashi Nagai, ein Pionier in der Erforschung der Radiologie. Nagai wuchs in einer japanischen Familie auf, die dem Shintoismus angehörte. Neben den interessanten Details der japanischen Kultur und Geschichte schildert der Autor Nagais Kindheit und sein Studium der Medizin in Nagasaki. Die Besetzung der Mandschurei erlebte er als Soldat im medizinischen Dienst.Beeindruckend ist sein spiritueller Weg vom Shintoismus über den Atheismus zum Katholizismus. Schließlich heiratete er Midori, eine tief gläubige Christin. Beim Abwurf der Atombombe verlor Nagai seine innig geliebte Frau. Die Großmutter überlebte mit den beiden Kindern, weil er sie zu Verwandten auf das Land geschickt hatte. Nagai teilte das schreckliche Leid der Menschen und versuchte alles in seiner Macht Stehende, den anderen zu helfen.Durch seine Forschungstätigkeit und die überhöhte Strahlung erkrankte er an Leukämie. Er starb 1951 an den Folgen dieser Krankheit. Schon zu seinen Lebzeiten wurde er von vielen als Heiliger verehrt. 314 pp. Deutsch
Mahler: Das Lied Von Der Erde (IMPORT)
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 42.99 $Mahler: Das Lied Von Der Erde (IMPORT) Mahler / Bernstein, Leonard - CD 4988031185629
Jesus Lied: He Was Only Human: Debunking The New Testament
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $'Jesus Lied. He Was Only Human' is arguably the most comprehensive and exhaustive debunking of the Christian myth on bookshelves today. Like a forensic accountant, Werleman meticulously pulls apart the New Testament thread-by-thread until the greatest lie
Elfen Lied Omnibus Volume 3 (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.36 $Mariko is running out of time--her internalized bombs are set to explode at any minute.Hoping to tie up loose ends, she decides to confront her alienated father, Kurama. Meanwhile, when Nyu and Kouta arrive near the Diclonii island facility, Nyu is captured as Chief Kakuzawa attempts to fulfill his master plan of eliminating humans in favor of the Diclonii species. Lynn Okamoto's beloved series is now available in English for the very first time, presented here in a special omnibus collecting three volumes in one!Collects Japanese Elfen Lied Volumes 7-9.
Das Lied Von Eis Und Feuer 7: Zeit Der Krähen
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.63 $German language. 8.43x5.39x2.44 inches. In Stock.
Khrushchev Lied: The Evidence That Every Revelation of Stalin's (and Beria's) Crimes in Nikita Khrushchev's Infamous Secret Speech to t
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.79 $In his "Secret Speech" of February 1956 Nikita Khrushchev accused Joseph Stalin of immense crimes. Khrushchev's speech was a body blow from which the worldwide communist movement never recovered. It changed the course of history. Grover Furr has spent a decade studying the flood of documents from formerly secret Soviet archives published since the end of the USSR. In this detailed study of Khrushchev's speech he reveals the astonishing results of his research: Not a single one of Khrushchev's "revelations" is true! The most influential speech of the 20th century - if not of all time - a dishonest swindle? The very thought is monstrous; the implications for our understanding of Left history-immense. Basing their work on Khrushchev's lies, Soviet and Western historians, including Trotskyists and anticommunists, have effectively falsified Soviet history. Virtually everything we thought we knew about the Stalin years turns out to be wrong. The history of the USSR, and of the communist m
Das Lied von Bernadette
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.47 $This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -Keine andere Heiligenlegende im 20. Jahrhundert hat so viel Resonanz gefunden wie Werfels Hohelied auf Bernadette Soubirous, dieses kleine Mädchen vom Lande, dem, wie es hier heißt, die »Dame« erscheint. Werfel zeichnet das Wunder nach, aber mit gleicher Intensität auch den weltlichen wie den kirchlichen Zweifel an einem solchen Geschehen, bis die Kirche es schließlich anerkennt und Bernadette 1933 heiligspricht.»Ich habe es gewagt, das Lied von Bernadette zu singen, obwohl ich kein Katholik bin, sondern Jude. Den Mut zu diesem Unternehmen gab mir ein weit älteres und viel unbewußteres Gelübde. Schon in den Tagen, da ich meine ersten Verse schrieb, hatte ich mir zugeschworen, immer und überall durch meine Schriften zu verherrlichen das göttliche Geheimnis und die menschliche Heiligkeit - des Zeitalters ungeachtet, das sich mit Spott, Ingrimm und Gleichgültigkeit abkehrt von diesen letzten Werten unseres Lebens.«Franz Werfel, Los Angeles, im Mai 1941 560 pp. Deutsch
International Schubert Competition Lied Duo 2009
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 22.99 $ (+1.99 $)International Schubert Competition Lied Duo 2009 Schubert / Wija / Santos - CD 4003913125743
Shakespeare Lied
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.29 $Book is in NEW condition. 0.41
Tolstoy Lied: A Love Story
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.38 $Headed for tenure at a major university, Tracy Farber is determined to demonstrate that Tolstoy is wrong in his argument that only unhappiness is interesting and sets out to prove that happiness and the search for happiness are complicated.
Das Lied Von Der Erde
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.04 $In Das Lied von der Erde, Gustav Mahler fused the two forms that most obsessed him — song and symphony — into a masterpiece that epitomized his musical genius and the very spirit of late Romanticism. It is a work of stunning power, one that musical artists and audiences worldwide have made a repertoire favorite, and it is reprinted here from the original full score published in Vienna by Universal-Edition in 1912.Based on a cycle of six poems translated from the Chinese by Hans Bethge, Das Lied von der Erde, scored for tenor, alto (or baritone), and orchestra, expresses a dualism of feeling — ecstatic pleasure shadowed by dark foreboding — that characterizes not only Mahler himself but the peculiarly autumnal mood of late Romanticism as well. Throughout, Mahler calls on the orchestra to suggest the exotic atmosphere summoned by the text, and to sustain and supplement the solos with all its resources, both in the accompaniment and the extensive connecting interludes.This sturdily bound, finely produced full score, containing an English translation of the song text is printed on fine-quality paper. It offers both amateur and professional singers and musicians — along with music lovers who enjoy following a love or recorded performance, score in hand — a lifetime of pleasurable study and intimate enjoyment of one of the most celebrated classics of 20th-century music.
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