12 products were found matching your search for Reaktion in 2 shops:
Portraiture (Reaktion Books - Essays in Art and Culture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.49 $This is the first general and theoretical study devoted entirely to portraiture. Drawing on a broad range of images from Antiquity to the twentieth century, which includes paintings, sculptures, prints, cartoons, postage stamps, medals, documents and photographs, Richard Brilliant investigates the genre as a particular phenomenon in Western art that is especially sensitive to changes in the perceived nature of the individual in society.The author's argument on behalf of portraiture (and he draws on examples by such artists as Botticelli, Rembrandt, Matisse, Warhol and Hockney) does not comprise a mere survey of the genre, nor is it a straightforward history of its reception. Instead, Brilliant presents a thematic and cogent analysis of the connections between the subject-matter of portraits and the beholder's response – the response he or she makes to the image itself and to the person it represents. Portraiture's extraordinary longevity and resilience as a genre is a testament to the power of this imaginative transaction between the subject, the artist and the beholder.
Ship (Reaktion Books - Objekt)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $From oar-powered quinqueremes, to steam-powered freighters, to luxury ocean liners such as the Titanic,to aircraft carriers like the Abraham Lincoln,ships have played an integral role in trade, transportation, and war throughout history. Today, ships remain the largest and most expensive moving objects on the planet; engineers and designers constantly push the limits of design, creating vessels that continue to rival newer technologies such as airplanes and cars. But unlike other more common modes of transportation, the great ships of the world travel in the deep oceans, out of sight and out of mind—until, that is, something goes wrong. In Ship, Gregory Votolato explores the fiction and the reality of modern ships, the technology that creates them, and the events that can lead to disasters such as the Exxon Valdez or Amoco Cadiz. Here Votolato delves into the world of the ship, describing the unpredictable and often-hostile environment of weather at sea, the resurgent threats posed by pirates, and the responsibilities of captains and crews onboard. Ship’sbroad overview of technology and design also offers unique insights into this extraordinary result of human creativity. Votolato’s book will appeal to readers interested in the general design history of ships as well as their social, political, and technological impact on our modern world.
Photography and Africa (Reaktion Books - Exposures) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $A land comprising more than fifty nations and innumerable cultural and geographic variations, from harsh desert to lush jungle, Africa has long been a favorite subject for photographers. Since the advent of the medium in the first half of the nineteenth century, a myriad of photographers—both indigenous and immigrant, amateur and professional, explorer and colonist, naturalist and artist—have recorded intrepid expeditions, documented flora and fauna, and chronicled the transformations of the cultural landscape. Photography and Africa investigates the many themes that intertwine the photographs with the circumstances of their creation. Presenting a wealth of astonishing and rare images, Erin Haney brings together some of the most vibrant examples captured in the continent. From royal portraiture in the nineteenth-century Cape Coast to staged vignettes of old Cairo streets to apartheid-era South African resistance photography, this book illustrates the fascinating and long-standing relationship between Africa and the photograph. A powerful and celebratory insight into Africa’s relationship with the photograph, Photography and Africa will appeal to those interested in the photography and culture of Africa and how the two have interacted and informed each other over time.
Philipp Jenninger : Rede und Reaktion.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.18 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
Glanz und Untergang der höfischen Welt; Repräsentation, Reform und Reaktion im habsburgischen Vielvölkerstaat
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 123.69 $Good condition. This is the average used book, that has all pages or leaves present, but may include writing. Book may be ex-library with stamps and stickers. 2.34
Reiz Und Reaktion
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 34.99 $7th album from a German legend of Electronic Body Music. A limited edition of 500 copies ONLY in a deluxe carton box packaging including a bonus 15-track CD with an exclusive EP + the album of Claus Kruse's special SONIC UNIT project. The release also feature.
Angst : Medizin. Psychologie. Gesellschaft.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.38 $Neuware - Angst ist eine affektive Reaktion, die in unterschiedlichster Ausprägung nicht nur vollkommen normal, sondern biologisch ausdrücklich erwünscht und lebensrettend sein kann. Auf der anderen Seite können Ängste und Angstreaktionen im Kontext inadäquat sein und sich als psychische Störung präsentieren. Kulturgeschichtlich unterliegen Ängste von Beginn an wechselnden Zuordnungen und Bedeutungen. Und nicht zuletzt sind Angstreaktionen und Ängste intraindividuell sehr unterschiedlich zu bewerten.Angsterkrankungen gehören heute allen epidemiologischen Studien zufolge zu den häufigsten psychischen Störungen. Die Entstehungsbedingungen sind komplex. Nach heutigem Kenntnisstand spielen dabei gleichermaßen psychologische Faktoren, soziale Umstände, aber auch neurobiologische Mechanismen eine wichtige Rolle.Wegen der vielfach im Vordergrund stehenden körperlichen Symptome der Angst finden sich Patienten mit Angsterkrankungen in nahezu allen Fachgebieten der Medizin. Allerdings ist eine rasche und korrekte Diagnosestellung nicht immer einfach, da Patienten aus Scham oder Unsicherheit nicht über ihre Beschwerden sprechen und die im Vordergrund stehende somatische Symptomatik oftmals die zugrunde liegenden seelischen Beschwerden maskiert. Auch erschwert das zumeist unscharfe Kontinuum zwischen gesunder Angst und pathologischer Angstreaktion den diagnostischen Prozess.Führende Experten vermitteln ihr praxisorientiertes Wissen in Bezug auf Entstehungsmechanismen, diagnostisches Vorgehen und Behandlungsoptionen bei Angsterkrankungen. Ausführlich wird auf die spezifischen psychotherapeutischen und medikamentösen Behandlungsoptionen, Therapiestrategien sowie auf Basismaßnahmen zur adäquaten Selbsthilfe eingegangen. Darüber hinaus finden sich klinische Hinweise zur Prävention.
Theatralit?t und ?ffentlichkeit
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 153.07 $Die Studie begründet, warum Schillers Spätdramatik nach der Rezeption der Ästhetiken Kants und Diderots und als Reaktion auf die Französische Revolution einen Publikums- und Öffentlichkeitsbegriff impliziert, der eine große Affinität zu dem der französischen Tragödie aufweist. Der ästhetische und politische Charakter der Dramen wird dabei auf das in ihnen implizierte Verhältnis des Theaterpublikums zur Dramenfiktion zurückgeführt. Damit lässt sich ein Theatralitätskonzept erarbeiten, wie es vor Schiller und dem bürgerlichen Trauerspiel bereits die französische Tragödie prägt.
Giuliani.Honger: Dreidimensional
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.64 $Neuware - Die Architekten Lorenzo Giuliani (\*1962) und Christian Hönger (\*1959) wurden in erster Linie bekannt durch ihre Bildungsbauten, die sich durch ihre präzise Reaktion auf die städtebauliche Situation und die Entwicklung charakteristischer Innenräume auszeichnen. Die Publikation analysiert 15 ausgewählte Projekte und gewährt einen Einblick in den Entwurfsprozess.Mit zahlreichen Plänen sowie einem vollständigen Werkverzeichnis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.17 $Botanical, a new series from Reaktion, is the first to integrate horticultural writing with a broader account of the cultural and social impact of plants. Oak, one of the first two books in the series, narrates the biography of the tree that since time immemorial has been a symbol of loyalty, strength, generosity, and renewal. Peter Young explores how the oak, native to the northern hemisphere and found in locations as diverse as the Americas and tropical Asia, has played an important role in state-building, art, folk tales, poems, and songs. Starting with the pagan societies that venerated the oak, Young examines how the tree was used in other religions, revealing how it was believed to be a gateway between worlds in Celtic mythology and later became sacred to Thor in Norse mythology. He follows the oak as it was adopted by many Western European countries as a national symbol, including England, France, and Germany. The United States Congress designated the oak as America’s national tree in 2004, and it is the state tree of Iowa, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, and Georgia. Individual oak trees have also gained historical importance, such as the Charter Oak in Hartford, Connecticut, which became a symbol of American independence. In addition to tracing the history of the tree itself, Young investigates oak as a wood used to make furniture, bridges, wine casks, homes, ships, weapons, and even the electric chair, and he describes how the tree has been used as a food source—its fruit, the acorn, was eaten in ancient Greece, ancient Iberia, and Korea, and it was a traditional food of Native Americans. Packed with information and beautiful illustrations, Oak tells the fascinating tale of this stately, durable member of the natural world.
Körperkontakt (Konzepte der Humanwissenschaften)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.83 $Neuware -Die Haut als taktiles Organ, das nicht nur körperlich, sondern auch durch Erleben und Reaktion auf das Wachstum und die Entwicklung des gesamten Wesens einwirkt, ist Gegenstand dieses Buches.Ashley Montagu untersucht die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Fehlen des Körperkontaktes in der Kindheit und der Entstehung bestimmter Krankheiten, die Hintergründe von Zeiterscheinungen wie Sonnen- und Badekult, Haar- und Barttracht und die Abhängigkeit der »sozialen« Fähigkeiten eines Menschen vom Erlebnis der Haut. 265 pp. Deutsch
Michel Foucault (Critical Lives)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.52 $With Michel Foucault, Reaktion Books introduces an exciting new series that brings the work of major intellectual figures to general readers, illuminating their groundbreaking ideas through concise biographies and cogent readings.There is no better thinker than Foucault with which to begin the "Critical Lives" series. Though reticent about his personal life for most of his career, Foucault, in the last years of his life, changed his stance on the relationship between the personal and the intellectual and began to speak of an "aesthetics of existence" in which "the life" and "the work" become one. David Macey, a renowned expert on Foucault, demonstrates that these contradictions make it possible to relate Foucault's work to his life in an original and exciting way. Exploring the complex intellectual and political world in which Foucault lived and worked, and how that world is reflected in his seminal works, Macey paints a portrait of Foucault in which the thinker emerges as a brilliant strategist, one who-while fiercely promoting himself as a maverick-aligned himself with particular intellectual camps at precisely the right moments.Michel Foucault traces the philosopher's career from his comfortable provincial background to the pinnacle of the French academic system, paying careful attention to the networks of friendships and the relations of power that sustained Foucault's prominence in the academy. In an interview in 1966, Foucault said, "One ought to read everything, study everything. In other words, one must have at one's disposal the general archive of a period at a given moment." It is precisely this archive that Macey restores here, accessibly relating Foucault's works to the particular context in which they were given form.
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