63 products were found matching your search for Rolle in 3 shops:
Rolle Und Kodex : Die Schriftlichkeit Der Königlichen Finanzverwaltung Englands Unter Eduard I. 1272-1307 -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.54 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Unbranded Electric Guitar String Retainers Tree Standard Rolle...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 20.99 $Roller string guides (string trees) help minimize tuning problems and sympathetic overtones caused by low string tensionPrevent wear and tear on th...
Unbranded Electric Guitar String Retainers Tree Standard Rolle...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 24.14 $Suitable for electric guitar.Roller string guides (string trees) help minimize tuning problems and sympathetic overtones caused by low string tensi...
Aftermarket BS-PS118-SC Modern Guitar Bridge Saddles (6) Rolle...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 24.00 $(6) Modern roller guitar saddle set. Size - 10.8mm x 22mm. String Spacing - 54mm. Material - Zinc with steel screws.Part # BS-PS118-SC
Richard Rolle : The Fire of Love And the Mending of Life
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.11 $Richard Rolle (1305×10-1349) was an English hermit, mystic, and religious writer. He is also known as Richard Rolle of Hampole or de Hampole. In the words of Nicholas Watson, scholarly research has shown that "[d]uring the fifteenth century he was one of the most widely read of English writers, whose works survive in nearly four hundred English...and at least seventy Continental manuscripts, almost all written between 1390 and 1500." In one of his best-known works, Incendium Amoris (The Fire of Love), Rolle provides an account of his mystical experiences, which he describes as being of three kinds: a physical warmth in his body, a sense of wonderful sweetness, and a heavenly music that accompanied him as he chanted the Psalms. The book was widely read in the Middle Ages, and described the four purgative stages that one had to go through to become closer to God: described as open door, heat, song, and sweetness.
Richard Rolle : The Fire of Love And the Mending of Life
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 85.75 $Richard Rolle (1305×10-1349) was an English hermit, mystic, and religious writer. He is also known as Richard Rolle of Hampole or de Hampole. In the words of Nicholas Watson, scholarly research has shown that "[d]uring the fifteenth century he was one of the most widely read of English writers, whose works survive in nearly four hundred English...and at least seventy Continental manuscripts, almost all written between 1390 and 1500." In one of his best-known works, Incendium Amoris (The Fire of Love), Rolle provides an account of his mystical experiences, which he describes as being of three kinds: a physical warmth in his body, a sense of wonderful sweetness, and a heavenly music that accompanied him as he chanted the Psalms. The book was widely read in the Middle Ages, and described the four purgative stages that one had to go through to become closer to God: described as open door, heat, song, and sweetness.
Richard Rolle: The English Writings (Classics of Western Spirituality)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.87 $This important volume is a modern English translation of Richard Rolle's English writings. Much of the translation is based on Hope Emily Allen's Middle English edition of 1931. It is supplemented by more complete versions of the English Psalter and the Meditations on the Passion. It aims at a presentation of Rolle in today's language, and for readers with a modern approach to spirituality who are interested in the religious aims and idioms of the past. The book also seeks to convey some of Rolle's religious fervor, and above all the measured cadence of his prose style, placing him within the context of the ideas and language of his own age.
Richard Rolle : Prose and Verse
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 12.42 $The Yorkshireman Richard Rolle (c. 1300-1349) was the first and most immediately influential of the English medieval mystics. His passionate insistence on a personal communion between Creator and created affected the development of pre-Reformation religious thought, and his decision to write in English rekindled in the modern idiom the tradition of vernacular devotional prose. This is the first full critical edition of Rolle's major writings, leaving out only his glossed Psalter. Although the manuscript chosen is not in the original Northern dialect, it is of sufficient authority to restore many readings previously lost or corrupt. Ogilvie-Thomson's introduction expands on H.E. Allen's research and her notes cite much of Rolle's possible source material.
To Do: Die neue Rolle der Gestaltung in einer veränderten Welt: Strategien Werkzeuge Geschäftsmodelle
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.93 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
Language, Self and Love : Hermeneutics in the Writings of Richard Rolle and the Commentaries on the Song of Songs
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 60.92 $Language, Self and Love offers a unique insight into the development of the language of interiority in the medieval literature inspired by the Song of Songs and its commentaries. It traces the evolution of a medieval identity in the process of self-fashioning and, in showing the importance of mystical writing for understanding medieval subjectivity, suggests that the 'self' is not the early modern invention it is often claimed to be. Denis Renevey discusses the correspondences between the discourse of love in the Song of Songs and the language of mysticism in the writings of William of St Thierry and Richard Rolle, where the self is described in its attempts at establishing a direct relationship with God. He also shows how the textual strategies offered in mystical writing for the use of female recipients engage with questions of misogyny and the relationship between Latin and vernacular cultures.
Die CIA und der 11. September. Internationaler Terror und die Rolle der Geheimdienste.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 121.53 $Vehement widerspricht Andreas von Bülow der offiziellen Version der Anschläge vom 11. September: Ohne geheimdienstliche Unterstützung war eine solche Operation nicht durchzuführen. Seine brisanten Thesen sind ein Angriff auf die Verlogenheit der CIA. Nur Stunden nach dem Terroranschlag vom 11. September hatte die US-Regierung Fotos und Steckbriefe aller Attentäter, wusste sie Bescheid über alle Drahtzieher und Hintermänner. Und blitzartig war auch Präsident Bushs Strategie gegen die Mächte des Bösen fertig. Zufall? Andreas von Bülow, früherer Bundesminister, zweifelt die offizielle Version vehement an.
Gretsch 008-0625-000 Genuine Gretsch Ebony Space Control Rolle...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 49.00 $Gretsch Ebony Space Control Bridge Base. Adjustable height, used for arch-top guitars 74mm Post Spacing, 20mm Gold Wheels.
Fender Fender Custom Shop LTD "P" Jazz Bass Relic Aged White ...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 4,850.00 $New for 2024, the Fender Custom Shop introduces the Limited Edition "P" Jazz Bass Relic , the best of a Precision Bass and Jazz Bass all rolle...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 34.99 $1st G Nickel/Iron Rollerwound .044 2nd D Nickel/Iron Rollerwound .058 3rd A Nickel/Iron Rollerwound .080 4th E Nickel/Iron Rolle...
Protection Racket 9027-01
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 299.99 $Introducing the Protection Racket Origami Folding Drum Mats. No zips, no uneven surface, completely flat set up area. A 1/3rd of the length rolle...
Wilkinson Wilkinson P90 Bridge Pickup
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 27.99 $ (+6.95 $)Wilkinson P-90 cream colored bridge pickup complete with mounting screws and springs. This P-90 loves to be pushed to high gain overdrive yet rolle...
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.99 $Sport, Raum und (Massen-)Kultur in Deutschland 1880-1930. Die räumlichen Gegebenheiten, in denen Sportveranstaltungen stattfinden, waren für die Historiker bisher kein großes Thema. Dinçkal thematisiert die Rolle von Räumen in der Geschichte des Sports und der Massenkultur. 346 Seiten mit 28 Abb., gebunden (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft; Band 211/Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2013) untere Kante leicht bestoßen. Statt EUR 79,00. Gewicht: 693 g - Gebunden/Gebundene Ausgabe - Sprache: Deutsch
Vor der Vernichtung
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.11 $Neuware -Die gewaltsame Enteignung der jüdischen Bevölkerung im Nationalsozialismus war weniger das Werk der 'klassischen' Tätergruppen, als vielmehr ein Prozess, an dem zahllose Personen und Institutionen als Ausführende und Profiteure beteiligt waren. Eine zentrale Rolle bei allen staatlich angeordneten Enteignungsmaßnahmen spielte die Reichsfinanzverwaltung. Im Fokus der Beiträge stehen die Funktionsweise dieser 'ganz normalen' staatlichen Behörde als Verfolgungsinstanz, das Engagement der beteiligten Beamten sowie die zahlreichen mit der staatlichen Verwaltung kooperierenden und konkurrierenden Nutznießer der Enteignung. Neben der Beraubung der jüdischen Bevölkerung in Deutschland wird die Ausplünderung der Juden in den 'angegliederten' und von der Wehrmacht besetzten Ländern Europas thematisiert. 336 pp. Deutsch
California: A History
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.62 $Since its original publication, Andrew Rolle's classic work has been enjoyed by more than 100,000 persons, students and general readers alike. Like its predecessors, the seventh edition of California: A History recounts the state's history from its origins to the present in an engaging manner, while seeking a balance between conflicting viewpoints. Today especially, Californians face severe implications of the state's overwhelming diversity and continuing population explosion. This seventh edition incorporates these dramatic new developments in a historical context, pondering implications for the future. Likewise, those sections of the book devoted to women, the environment, immigration (legal and illegal), crime, sports, energy, and transportation have all been expanded. The most obvious change to this edition is the addition of Arthur Verge as coauthor, and loyal users will be delighted to see the addition of many new photographs that also help keep our "classic" text vibrant and current.
Was Ist Das Fur Den Menschen Gute?: What Is Good for a Human Being? (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 174.25 $Die ethischen Herausforderungen der Gegenwart haben die Grenzen der gegenwärtig dominierenden Regel- und Prinzipienethik gezeigt, weshalb Ansätze zu einer Ethik der Tugenden und des guten Lebens international wieder an Bedeutung gewonnen haben. Dadurch erlebt auch die Frage eine Renaissance, welche Rolle der Reflexion auf die menschliche Natur für die Ethik zukommt. Der Band vereint philosophiehistorische Untersuchungen namhafter amerikanischer, britischer und deutscher Forscher zur antiken und mittelalterlichen Tugend- und Glücksethik mit Beiträgen zur zeitgenössischen Ethikdebatte.
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