157 products were found matching your search for Zimmer in 4 shops:
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Ravens of Avalon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 66.91 $A prequel to Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Forest House follows the story of the Roman conquest of Britain, a tale in which a Celtic princess becomes her people's defender against brutal conquerors while her priestess mentor becomes a guardian of Druid traditions.
Hans Zimmer / Bob Clearmountain Guitars Volume 1 / Drums II
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 99.00 $ (+10.00 $)WORKING CONDITION: Excellent - In perfect working order. PHYSICAL CONDITION: Excellent - A few minor scuffs and abrasions can be seen on the surfa...
Hans Zimmer / The Will Lee Guitars Volume 1 / Bass Library
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 99.00 $ (+10.00 $)WORKING CONDITION: Excellent - In perfect working order. PHYSICAL CONDITION: Excellent - A few minor scuffs and abrasions can be seen on the surfa...
Women's Yellow / Orange Zimmer Lounge Kimono Dress In Mustard Seed Small Lily Phellera
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 758.00 $This overlapping (power) shirt dress comes with integrated shoulder pads, pleated front detail and dramatic batwing sleeves. Whilst correlation doesn't always mean causation, on this occasion it's pretty safe to say this dress comes with a serious business vibe. dry clean or cold hand wash Made in: United Kingdom
Hans Zimmer Sampler Library Hans Zimmer Sample Library CD Guit...
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 20.00 $ (+0.65 $)Classic samples on this great sample CD for Roland samplers like the S-750, S-760, & S-770.Works well and sounds great.Item is used and may sho...
Alfred Music Hans Zimmer Collection -Piano/Vocal/Chords Book
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 24.99 $ (+4.99 $)Hans Zimmer's film scores are bold and unmistakable. Over the course of his prolific career, he has provided music for some of the world's most bel...
Hans Zimmer
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 31.61 $Double vinyl LP pressing of this release containing stunning new recordings arranged especially for some of the world's most exciting musicians including The Piano Guys, 2CELLOS, Lang Lang, Till Brnner, Lindsey Stirling and others. The Classics is a stunning 2016 album from the world's most exciting film composer, Hans Zimmer. The album features back-to-back blockbuster hits including the iconic music from Pirates of the Caribbean, Academy Award-winner The Lion King, the powerful and evocative
The Music of Hans Zimmer
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 59.98 $The Music of Hans Zimmer London Music Works - CD 738572145323
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Sword And Sorceress XXI
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 103.71 $Featuring contributions by Diana L. Paxson, Rosemary Edghill, and Leslie Fish, among others, a powerful collection of original stories introduces a heroic cast of brave, strong-willed, and fiercely independant female characters, including a girl who penetrates the male-dominated world of magic. Original
Bernd Zimmer Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.91 $A representative of Germany’s “Junge Wilde,” or Wild Youth, movement, Bernd Zimmer has developed an unmistakable style characterized by a combination of abstract painting and representationalism. His oeuvre, shaped by his profound experience with nature and the world, reflects a broad spectrum of subjects, from the waterfalls, shore scenes, and dense vegetation of his Cosmos paintings to the freely floating light reflexes in his most recent series, Swimming Light. Published to accompany exhibitions at the Kunstmuseum Heidenheim in Germany and the Museum Angerlehner in Austria, Everything Flows is the first catalog to spotlight the paintings of the Swimming Light series. Accompanying essays by R. Hirner, J. Holzmann, and J. Schilling examine how the flowing transitions among the Swimming Light paintings give expression to their internal coherence, creating an eventful implementation of natural events and perception. Featuring eighty-five full-color illustrations, Everything Flows provides not only a comprehensive overview of these stunning paintings, but also a valuable look at the work of this important German artist.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Sword of Avalon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.05 $Epic in its sweep and peopled by the remarkable women who have always inhabited Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley's Sword of Avalon expands the legendary saga that has enchanted countless readers over the years and is sure to please Bradley's loyal readership and anyone who loves wonderfully told stories of history, myth, and fantasy.
Tikimania: Bernd Zimmer, die Marquesas-Inseln und der europ?ische Traum von der S?dsee (English and German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.81 $Item in very good condition! Textbooks may not include supplemental items i.e. CDs, access codes etc.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Ancestors of Avalon (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.54 $Marion Zimmer Bradley's beloved Avalon saga continues with the dramatic story of the ancestors of Avalon, from their life on the doomed island of Atlantis to their escape to the mist-shrouded isle of Britain.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Sword and Sorceress XXVI [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.00 $Women of Sorcery and Conquest... For over two decades, the late Marion Zimmer Bradley, best-selling and beloved author, discovered and nurtured a grand generation of authors. The roster of contributors over the years includes Laurell K. Hamilton, Charles de Lint, Diana L. Paxson, Emma Bull, Jennifer Roberson, and countless others. The nineteen original stories featured here include such stellar authors as Deborah J. Ross, K.D. Wentworth, Dave Smeds, and exciting newcomers whose voices are sure to be heard again. Enter a wondrous universe... Marion Zimmer Bradley's Sword and Sorceress Volume 26 includes stories by Kat Otis, Deborah J. Ross, Jean Tatro, Jonathan Shipley, Melissa Mead, Michael Spence, Elisabeth Waters, Margaret L. Carter, Dave Smeds, Patricia Duffy Novak, Michael H. Payne, Pauline J. Alama, Steve Chapman, J.C. Hsyu, Jonathan Moeller, K.D. Wentworth, David L. Burkhead, Julia H. West, Joette M. Rozanski, and Katharina Schuschke.
Bernd Zimmer: Alles fließt
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.65 $A representative of Germany’s “Junge Wilde,” or Wild Youth, movement, Bernd Zimmer has developed an unmistakable style characterized by a combination of abstract painting and representationalism. His oeuvre, shaped by his profound experience with nature and the world, reflects a broad spectrum of subjects, from the waterfalls, shore scenes, and dense vegetation of his Cosmos paintings to the freely floating light reflexes in his most recent series, Swimming Light. Published to accompany exhibitions at the Kunstmuseum Heidenheim in Germany and the Museum Angerlehner in Austria, Everything Flows is the first catalog to spotlight the paintings of the Swimming Light series. Accompanying essays by R. Hirner, J. Holzmann, and J. Schilling examine how the flowing transitions among the Swimming Light paintings give expression to their internal coherence, creating an eventful implementation of natural events and perception. Featuring eighty-five full-color illustrations, Everything Flows provides not only a comprehensive overview of these stunning paintings, but also a valuable look at the work of this important German artist.
Film Music of Hans Zimmer
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 22.98 $ (+1.99 $)Film Music of Hans Zimmer Hans Zimmer - CD 738572123826
Tiroler Privat(zimmer)vermietung : Dispositive Bedingungen. Subjekteffekte. Aneignungsweisen. Dissertationsschrift
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.93 $Neuware - Das österreichische Bundesland Tirol verzeichnet über 47 Millionen Übernachtungen pro Jahr. Wenn Martina Röthl der Frage nachgeht, was Tourismus mit den in Tirol lebenden Menschen macht, steht nicht die touristische Begegnung im Vordergrund, sondern die durch Bezugnahmen auf tourismusinduzierte Wissensbestände in Gang geSetzten Subjektivierungsprozesse der so genannten Einheimischen. Exemplarisch für diese 'einheimischen Bereisten' stehen PrivatvermieterInnen, denen es in Tirol erlaubt ist, bis zu zehn Betten und außerdem Ferienwohnungen zu vermieten, ohne dafür ein Gewerbe anmelden zu müssen. In den 1960er und 1970er Jahren waren 50 Prozent aller Gästebetten so genannte 'Privatbetten'. Zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt nächtigen noch immer 20 Prozent aller Tirol-TouristInnen in Privatvermietungen.Das vorliegende Buch beschäftigt sich mit den Alltagspraktiken bereister Menschen. Die Privatvermietung gerät dabei als physischer und sozialer Raum in den Blick, der auf ganz unterschiedlichen Ebenen mit makrostrukturellen Vorgaben und auf das reibungslose Funktionieren von Tourismus zielenden Strategien korrespondiert. Um zu klären, auf welche Weise sich dies auf die Lebenswirklichkeiten und Selbstverhältnisse der Beforschten niederschlägt, werden kulturanalytische Herangehensweisen mit dispositivtheoretischen Ansätzen verknüpft. Mit Tourismus in Zusammenhang stehende Subjekt-Effekte sind als tourismusinduzierte Subjektivierungen aufgegriffen, die sich im Sinne von Subjektivierungsweisen als 'tatsächliche' Aneignungen in den Blick nehmen und empirisch verfolgen lassen.
Das Geheimnis von Zimmer 622: Roman
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.69 $Neu Neuware auf Lager, Sofortversand - Vielschichtig und mitreißend - Was ging in Zimmer 622 vor sich In 'Das Geheimnis von Zimmer 662' entfaltet der Schweizer Bestsellerautor Joël Dicker auf über 600 Seiten eine abgründige und schillernde Geschichte aus Mord, Intrigen und der ganz großen Liebe.Eine dunkle Nacht im Dezember, ein Mord im vornehmen Hotel Palace de Verbier in den Schweizer Alpen. Doch der Fall wird nie aufgeklärt. - Einige Jahre später verbringt der bekannte Schriftsteller Joël Dicker seine Ferien im Palace. Während er die charmante Scarlett Leonas kennenlernt und sich mit ihr über die Kunst des Schreibens unterhält, ahnt er nicht, dass sie beide in den ungelösten Mordfall hineingezogen werden. Was geschah damals in Zimmer 622, das es offiziell gar nicht gibt in diesem Hotel .Nach seinen Bestsellern 'Das Verschwinden der Stephanie Mailer' und 'Die Wahrheit über den Fall Harry Quebert'Diesmal fügt der Bestsellerautor seinem gekonnten Spiel mit doppelten Böden noch eine weitere Ebene hinzu: Er lässt sein Alter Ego auftreten und verwischt auf schwindelerregende Weise Fiktion und Wirklichkeit. »Es ist nicht nur die Geschichte, die sich windende und wendende und überraschende Handlung, die dieses Buch - es ist mehr als 'nur' ein Krimi - zum Erlebnis macht.« Frankfurter RundschauKrimi, psychologischer Thriller, Schurkenroman, Familiensaga, Liebesgeschichte: 'Das Geheimnis von Zimmer 622' bietet alles auf einmal. Derart vielschichtig und zugleich fesselnd schreibt Joël Dicker. Diese aufregende Mischung macht den Roman zum Pageturner des Jahres!
Durch die Zeit in meinem Zimmer: Coverabbildung von Nicolas Mahler
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 67.77 $Book is in NEW condition. 0.53
Artistic Form and Yoga in the Sacred Images of India (Works by Heinrich Zimmer, 7) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.00 $"The book is as vital today as it was the year it was written, still unmatched for the eloquence of its recognition and celebration of this inspiration of Indian art." --From the forewordThis pioneering work opened C. G. Jung's eyes to the psychological and spiritual significance of the Indian mandala, and it remains the clearest introduction to the essence of Indian art and yoga for both the specialist and general reader. Heinrich Zimmer (1890-1943) was the first to identify the radical difference between Western classical and Indian art. His revolutionary approach to understanding the stylized, often sexual, sacred symbols of India was simply to take them on their own terms as techniques of spiritual transformation.
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